November 8, 2010
"Elegies for Angels, Punks and Raging Queens for World AIDS Day Celebration "
Tickets are $18/12 Students and Seniors (NOV 29th)
On November 29th, MCC of Greater St. Louis, and it's outreach ministry Ezekiel Project will be the honored host a a dramatic performance known as: "Elegies for Angels, Punks and Raging Queens for World AIDS Day" .
Performance directed by Bert Coleman, this performance will bring a wide variety of talent from near and far. Too many to list in fact. So in my own summation, I think my own coined phrase fits best here: "Be There or you will kick yourself hard!"
The performance is a series of monologues based loosely upon the AIDS Memorial Quilt, and celebrates the lives of those affected by the disease. Proceeds of ticket sales support " Broadway Cares ," "EFA" and" LIFEbeat The Music Industry Fights AIDS."
Tickets are $18/12 Students and Seniors.
Available at the door or (PURCHASE TICKETS ONLINE)
Special Guest: Ellen Folley
(Meatloaf's "Paradise By The Dashboard Light" and

The community-wide cast includes : Dieta Pepsi, Ed Coffield, Ed Reggi, Joan Lipkin, DJ Sanders, J Samuel Davis, Linda Kennedy, Ben Nordstrom, Ken Haller, Carrie Houk, Donna Weinsting, Rabbi Susan Talvi, Jorge Oliver,Rev. Carol Trissell(MCC), Jermey Thomas, Bonita Cornute(FOX 2),
Steve Potter(KWMU), Bobbye Williams, Karen Klaus, Chad Cox,
Cindy Duggan, Ian Koller, Louisa Goldman, Tyler Hill and others.
Metropolitan Community Church of Greater St. Louis
1919 South Broadway
St. Louis, MO 63104
314-361-3221 (wheelchair accessible)
Ezekiel Project began in 2006 as an HIV/AIDS outreach at MCCGSL. And works within the community to offer a supportive environment to individuals who are both HIV positive and those close to them. It meets monthly at 1919 S. Broadway. And offers opportunity for social interaction throughout the year, as well as a retreat in the spring.

"Ezekiel Project strives to create a safe and supportive environment for those affected by HIV/AIDS. Through social support & outreach
we seek to increase visibility of HIV/AIDS within our congregation and the community at large."
Monday, November 29 · 8:00pm - 10:00pm
More information: www.MCCGSL.org