November 16, 2010
St Louis Region-wide Memorial Service
The St. Louis area will observe Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR)
Memorial Service on November 20th, at St. John's Episcopal Church.
This years memorial is presented by local advocate Shane Fairchild, and featured guest Vanessa Edwards Foster, a nationally known trans advocate.
There will be a potluck dinner Sponsored by St. Johns from 4-6PM, and afterwards so please come and support ending the violence rendered upon our Trans Sisters and Brothers. All are welcome to attend. Participants will also include representation from MCC of Greater St. Louis, Transhaven, Pride St. Louis, Gateway Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Metro East Pride, Project Safe-Harbor, Vital Voice magazine and Allies from throughout the St. Louis Metro area.
Event Sponsored by: Transhaven
St. John's Episcopal (Tower Grove Church)
3664 Arsenal St.
Saint Louis, MO
Saturday, November 20 · 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Nov 14-22 - Special Film Presentation of "Paulista" :

TransHaven Missouri is proud to work in conjunction with Cinema Saint Louis and will sponsor the two screenings of Roberto Moreira's endearing triad of love and relationships, one of a young attorney whose past is soon to be revealed. The screenings are part of the St Louis International Film Festival, to be held November 11th thru November 22nd.

SIUE Gay-Straight Alliance Presents:
Transgender Day of Remembrance Panel & Candlelight Vigil
There will be a panel and discussion of several transgender members of our community and the surrounding areas. After the panel which should last from 5 to 7 pm there will be a candle light vigil immediatly following. The panel won the Gay-Straight Alliance an award last year for the best educational program of the year, so it will be very interesting and fun.
Missouri Statewide Youth Empowerment Summit

Pre-Registration is required to attend call 314-862-4900 or online: https://equalityfederation
In collaboration with Growing American Youth of Saint Louis, Galaxy of Springfield, PRISM of Columbia, Equal and KCAVP from Kansas City and PRISM from Kirksville. ...
The Missouri Youth Empowerment Summit is a one-day event that brings together youth from across the state to engage, learn skills that will empower youth around key issues affecting LGBTQA* youth and their communities.
Facilitated workshops as well as open space formats will provide opportunities to connect, discuss issues and design strategies that empower youth in their schools and in their communities. The workshops will focus on skills that can effect positive social change.
The Summit is a great way to make build lasting friendships and community alliances across the state. We ask that you come with an open mind, expect to be inspired and commit to creating change in your community after the day is over. On this day we will also be observing National Transgender Day of Remembrance in honor of those we have lost in the Transgender Community due to Hate Crimes.
The Summit will feature a special workshop track designed for adults who are looking to renew their commitment in support of youth.
Admission: FREE to youth under 22.
$10 for adults
Breakfast and Lunch provided.