Join us this Sunday, February 8, at 1PM for a special called congregational meeting.
The purpose of this called congregational meeting is to discuss and approve financing for the renovation of 1919 S. Broadway.
The Board of Directors is seeking authorization to obtain financing from Illinois Facilities Fund (IFF) in the amount of $400,000 and from Pulaski Bank in the amount of $1,200,000. This will be the only item of business at this called congregational meeting.
Immediately following the called congregational meeting, MCCGSL presents its semi-annual informational forum. Forum presentations include:
an update on Building Together:
A Place to Call Home
the progress of renovation at 1919 S. Broadway
MCCGSL strategic plans for 2009
2008 Financial statements
Proposed 2009 Budget
Proposed Bylaw amendment For more information email: danny@mccgsl.org