Planning Meeting - National March for Equality (ST. LOUIS)
Show-Me No Hate will be hosting the first of several planning meetings for the National March for Equality. This FREE EVENT will be held on Monday at Mokabee's Coffeehouse, located at Grand & Arsenal in South St. Louis city.
Anyone interested is encouraged to attend this event.
More more information visit SHOW ME NO HATE
Monday, August 17, 2009
Time: 5:15pm - 7:00pm
@ Mokabee's Coffee GRAND & ARSENAL
Come to the first of several planning meetings for the Missouri/St. Louis contingent headed to Washington DC this Fall. All Missouri residents are encouraged to attend this informational meeting on Monday, August 17th at 5:15pm, location is Mokabe's Coffee House near Tower Grove Park.The National March for Equality in Washington DC is Oct 10-11, 2009. This historic event is taking place on the Columbus Day holiday weekend, National Coming Out Day weekend and will be the 30th Anniversary of the first LGBT rights march on the Washington Mall.This meeting is informal and you are encouraged to bring a friend to help with this momentous challenge of bringing as many Missourians to DC in October.
We are currently speaking with several local and regional organizations, politicians and activists on the idea of building a stronger Missouri Marriage Equality coalition. Show Me No Hate believes that Marriage Equality has gained so much ground in 2009 but we feel it will continue to gain support in 2010. We know Missouri was one of the first states where the voters accepted writing discrimination into our Constitution.
A Marriage Equality coalition would help reverse that discrimination and the climate it has since created. There has even been talk about putting Marriage Equality back up to the Missouri Voters in 2012.For any organization to tackle such an ambitious voter ballot iniative they need to be not only organized but focused with a clear plan to win. This takes money, time and lots of grassroots energy. We feel strongly in the possibility of building that energy now for a victory in 2012.
We are looking for some creative thinkers as we explore different ideas. Nothing is on or off the table other than building a strong Marriage Equality coalition in our state. Are you ready to Show Us your creativity?Please send us an email at ShowMeNoHate@GMAIL.com