Metropolitan Community Church of Greater St. Louis offers an alternative to those in our community, who aren't able to visit on Sunday mornings. By offering our Video Sermons, Weekly Devotionals, and other resources completely online.
"The Outreach to our community, must reach beyond our four walls. ",
explains Colby Kluthe, editor of The Hope and Help Center. "By offering such resources online we are able to offer spiritual support to those who may not live near our facilities, including those who live in rural parts of our region, and quite simply, those who are not yet comfortable going to church in the traditional sense."
MCC of Greater St. Louis, has been a part of the fabric of the LGBT community since 1973, and has long since had a tradition of "Radical Inclusiveness". With a newly renovated facility at 1919 S. Broadway, MCCGSL is looking forward to expanded outreach as the congregation of more than 350, continues to grow in both number, and spiritual unity.
"Come as you Are... Believing as you do." Is a phrase the members have really taken to heart.
However it is recognized that many in our community-at-large consider MCC a church home. Today they have a variety of ways to become a part of our ministry, even if "Going to church" simply isn't thier style."
"Through our online outreach, we have been able to connect with many people, who otherwise may not have found a community where they are welcome, and accepted in God's love~ just as they are. Many of them, participate in the "virtual world", and are what I like to call "Online Members".
MCC of Greater St. Louis Worships Sundays at 9AM, and 10:30AM , 1919 South Broadway in Soulard, or as stay updated online at www.MCCGSL.org, and at
The Hope and Help Center, located online at www.HopeandHelpCenter.org .