MCC Friends and Family,
Please take sometime this week or next to pick-up school supplies for Project Ark kids and we've added another community organization the helps kids in north city.
This week Aug. 7-9 in Missouri is tax relief time. So if you buy then you won't have to pay sales tax. Yeah! I know that this economy has many of us stressed out and in a financial bind, but even you can just get a glue stick, or a pack of pencils, that will help our drive to help these kids who are living with HIV/AIDS or who are among the poorest kids in the city.
We're looking to provide: pencils, paper, glue, scissors, folders, erasers, crayons, colored pencils, backpacks, etc.
Thanks for all you do to help others in our community who are less fortunate than us.
With love,
Community Support Team - MCCGSL
DONTATIONS ACCEPTED AT ~ 1919 S. Broadway, 63104
Sponsored by: Project ARK ~AIDS/HIV Resources & Knowledge
4169 Laclede Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63108
phone: 314.535.7275
fax: 314.535.1814