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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Thoughts from a Mouthy Saint- "Today I Will Remember to Keep My Word"

Thoughts from a Mouthy Saint- "I remember to keep my word today"
By-Colby Kluthe, MetroEast NEWS

About a decade ago, I was living in Las Vegas, Nevada and one advantage of the locale was that I met my partner of nearly ten years Chad and his long-time friend Jan, who recently passed away.   When I met them they spent Tuesday evenings at "A place for Miracles", the home office of spiritual guru Bijan, who has many books and seminars he offers as he travels the world teaching the concept of effortless prosperity. While Bijan makes his money by traveling, those who live locally can participate at no cost as he offered groups at his Nevada facility.

Effortless Prosperity (EP) is the idea that we already have all that we need, and we simply must call it into existence and claim it in order to share our blessings with others.  Learning to practice EP is as simple as taking a moment each day to meditate and remember that fear is simply an illusion and has no place is our lives if we dare to let go of its control over our day to day emotions.

A different meditation for 30 days repeats itself over and over, and is available to anyone who wishes to bring the EP lifestyle into their own spiritual existence. Each of the thirty meditations always ends with one simple theme... "Today I will Remember to Keep My Word".   Its a simple phrase that at times can clearly present a challenge to live up to.   However It has provided me a guiding light for many years in determining how I lead my own life, and choose others to share my life with.  Daniel rephrased the concept as "True Bees", which you may have heard me refer to before.  It means simply I choose those whom I surround myself with and I choose ONLY those who strive to do what they say, and live daily by at least attempting to live up to promises made and promises kept.

Leaving alone the 30 day meditations, the shared concept of keeping one's word is enough to start with, and will undoubtedly change your life when you begin to live in such a way.  I watch what I say, and I remember to do whatever I have said I will do.   And often enough, as life is, I fall short of the mark, and find myself in situations that serve to remind me to get back to this simple concept.   Whenever I do manage to keep my word, blessings seem to fall from every direction and when I fail to keep my word, my climb seems to steepen and the distance gets longer.
In short, the secret to the spiritual life of "The Mouthy Saint" is this very simple promise and goal.
"Today I will remember to keep my word".
 It guides me and shows me very clearly those in my life are good for me and those I need to let follow a different path.  I challenge you for the remainder of summer to simply remember this one concept, and see for yourself how it has the power to transform both you and those around you.  Blessings are bountyful, if we have the courage to claim them.  They will be there waiting for us to accept.

-Peace & Love.... Colby
"Today I will Remember to Keep My Word"

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