on Behalf of: St. Louis Gay History Project
By: Colby Kluthe
October 23, 2010
It may seem to casual visitor to resemble an episode of "Antiques Roadshow", however this Sunday's Treasure Drive seeks to rediscover our history as a local LGBT community.
In recent years, there has been a determined effort to preserve and share the rich heritage of Lesbian, Gay and Transgender history in the St. Louis region.
Photos courtesy of Colin Murphy collection
The group known as the St. Louis Gay History project, lead by several spirited volunteers will be at Bad Dog Bar & Grill this Sunday October 24th to collect artifacts, photos, and stories from anyone who may have items or experiences of interest.
This past summer, a group gathered to share stories about East St. Louis, with stories that dated from the early 1950's. Until recently, the search for local LGBT history was confined to the private collections held at Washington University. This group has not only made our history available to anyone of interest, it will soon be publishing a comprehensive book for an even wider distribution.
Here is how you can help:
Go back into your closet (just for a hot minute) to dig for scrapbooks, photo albums, documents, diaries, movies/videos, magazines, newspapers - anything that documents your own personal and St. Louis' LGBT history over the years. Especially needed is information pre 1990s.
Find items your "not sure about" and perhaps find answers.
There will be formal remarks around 3 pm. AND a special guest appearance by a famous 70s ICON. We have also added a special feature - On Site Scanning.
If you have items you

*Ticket Stubs, Brochures, Bulletins & Flyers
*Tee-Shirts, Buttons, novelties
*books, publications, postcards, photos
*video-tapes, film, audio formats ect.
*Written accounts of historical events, people or places
* "What -Have's- You"
Please bring items that you are willing to donate to the Project or items the Project can scan or copy.
Learn more at:
Bad Dog Bar & Grill
3960 Chouteau
Saint Louis, MO
2-6pm OCTOBER 24, 2010www.stlouisgayhistory.com