October 1, 2010
By: Colby Kluthe
on behalf of: Metro East Pride
For the second year in a row, the Choir of Metropolitan Community Church- St. Louis (MCCGSL) has been selected to participate in the "How Sweet the Sound" Gospel concert, which will be held on October 5th at the Scottrade Center in downtown St. Louis.
In 2009, MCCGSL Chior was one of 8 choirs selected from more than 200 entries in St. Louis alone. And is the only MCC church in the world selected to participate.
More than 10,000 people attended the 2009 Concert, with a near sold-out venue. Choir director Jerry Smith will lead 50 choir members into the 2nd year's competition, and if selected, the MCCGSL Choir will continue forward to the Grand Finale, held in Washington D.C. this year. Last years regional winner was First Baptist Church of Festus, MO. 

Each Chior selected at the regional level receives a cash prize of $5000, with a grand Prize of $10,000.
Concert tickets for the OCTOBER 5th show are available for $5 or $7, and may be purchased online. PURCHASE ST.LOUIS TICKETS
Additional details are available at : http://www.howsweetthesound.com/