on behalf of: Metro East Pride
September 10, 2010
Written by: Colby Kluthe, MEP officer 2011
Sivia Business and Legal Services P.C., also known as Same Sex Legal held a party to celebrate the re-launch of their website Thursday night at Bubby & Sissy's nightclub in Alton.
SameSexLegal.com, provides informational content, to the LGBT community of the Metro East, as well as the entire St. Louis Region and beyond. Since its establishment in 2006, Sivia Business & Legal Services, P.C specializes in asset protection, and the specific legal issues that surround the establishment of non-traditional families and estate planning.
(pictured above) Principal Legal Counsel, Todd Sivia & Erin Margaret
When attorney Todd Sivia established the firm, he recognized the under-served legal representation of many couples returning from Iowa as newlyweds, and the important issues Metro East residents face when buying real estate, or establishing wills, trusts & power-of-attorney documents that couples and individuals should consider.
Todd is a graduate of Saint Louis University School of Law, and a native of Alton, Illinois.
His firm, together with partners Erin Margaret, and Jim Coughlin operate locations in both Alton, and near the Madison County government hub in Edwardsville.
SameSexLegal.com recently underwent a re-launch, allowing users to quickly access general information specifically centered around the LGBT community. As a local law firm, we were proud to welcome them to our 2010 Metro East Pride Festival, held this past June. You may also find them at MEP events, or volunteering throughout the community.
"Without a legal plan in place, lesbian and gay couples and individuals have no fallback position in the law." ,explains Mr. Sivia. The firms clients can receive legal representation in custody issues, family planning, co-habitation agreements, as well same-sex divorce agreements and asset allocation issues.

The most recent addition to the firm, Jim Coughlin is an intern from the SIUE school of Business, and will be focusing on the firms marketing strategy in the coming months.
Same-Sex Legal's new website, is not only well-designed, but offers general information as a quick-reference for daily use. Users will also find the firm is easily accessible with local telephone numbers listed, and where to find the office.
And most likely, when you unexpectedly need an attorney, and decide to call them on the telephone, amazingly you will find they answer the phone, and can quickly connect you with the resources your looking for. Whether you live in Illinois, or you live elsewhere, join them on Facebook, and bookmark the site so you have at your fingertips.
Same-Sex Legal may be seen "out and about" in the coming months, so if you see them be sure to introduce yourself, they are very approachable. Thanks Todd, Erin & Jim for working towards issues of justice in the Metro East area.
Written by: Colby Kluthe, MEP officer 2011