Saturday, January 31, 2009
Village Talent Academy@POWELL (FREE)
St. Louis, MO – Village Talent Academy (VTA) pianists, Dominick Bolden (age 19) and Solomon Cooper (age 10), will grace the stage of Powell Symphony Hall on
Wednesday, February 18, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.
Their performances are part of a Black History Month Celebration featuring Steven Herring, baritone.
Admission for the event is free.
About Village Talent Academy:
Friday, January 30, 2009
News & Notes 2-1-09
The News & Notes for February 1, 2009 are now available for download-
Other Downloads available at:
Volunteer Needed

chair volunteers. Chair volunteers should arrive at 8AM.
with tearing down.
February. If you are gifted in chair set up, please let me know what Sunday
Set up will work for you! Thank you all for your help.
Employment/ Resume Workshop-Feb 16th & 18th

Register by email for either the16th or 18th Date~
Free Teen Writing Workshops at the Missouri History Museum
Free Corner Pocket Teen Writing Workshop
Young people between the ages of 12 and 17 years are invited to participate in the Corner Pocket Teen Writing Workshop, sponsored by Urban Artist Alliance for Child Development and the Missouri History Museum. This series of free workshops will be held on Saturdays beginning February 14th at Missouri History Museum through May 9th.
Enrollment is open and applications are available now. Please contact Alex Detrick via email, , or by phone 314.361.8059 for an application. Space is limited. Please indicate which workshop you plan to attend upon submitting your application for enrollment.
See schedule below:
Date Topic Time
2/14/2009 Hip Hop Journalism 9 am - 4 pm
2/21/2009 Poetry 1/2 10 am - 1 pm
2/28/2009 Poetry 2 of 2 10 am - 1 pm
3/7/2009 Filmmaking 9 am - 4 pm
3/28/2009 Fiction 1/4 10 am - 1 pm
4/4/2009 Fiction 2/4 10 am - 1 pm
4/11/2009 Fiction 3/4 10 am - 1 pm
4/18/2009 Fiction 4/4 10 am - 1 pm
4/25/2009 Hip Hop Journalism II 10 am - 1 pm
5/2/2009 Creative non-fiction 1/2 10 am - 1 pm
5/9/2009 Creative non-fiction 2/2 10 am - 1 pm
Thursday, January 29, 2009
MetroEast Pride "Evening of Drag" Feb 14

Your invited to join the Metro-East Pride committee for :
"An Evening of Drag"
_ a fundraising event to support the Pride 2009 Festival
February 14th 10:00 PM
Club Escapade
133 West Main Street
Belleville, IL 62220
50/50 Raffle Pot Shot Cards Jello Shots
Proceeds to Benefit Metro East Pride 2009
Free Admission!
Metro East Pride s P.O. Box 824 s Belleville, IL 62222
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Pres. Jimmy Carter @ Left Bank Books FEB 10th

Location: Downtown LEFT BANK BOOKS
In this urgent, balanced, and passionate book, Nobel Peace Laureate and former President Jimmy Carter argues that the present moment is a unique time for achieving peace in the Middle East—and he offers a bold and comprehensive plan to do just that.
When: Tuesday, February 10, 5:00pm-7:00pm
Featured Book: We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land (Simon & Shuster, $27.00, $29.23 after tax)
Tickets Required: This is a ticketed event. One ticket per person to meet President Carter will be given for each copy of We Can Have Peace… purchased from Left Bank Books. Children under the age of twelve may accompany an adult. Children age twelve and up will need their own ticket.
Books/tickets may be pre-ordered as of January 10 for the general public. Books/tickets will be available for pick-up at both store locations after January 20.
Special Pre-sale for Friends of Left Bank Books: LBB Friends may pre-order special VIP tickets from January 2 through January 9. People holding VIP tickets will need to arrive before 4:00pm on the signing date and will be first in line to meet the President. Space is limited to the first 300 Friends who pre-order. Join or renew today!
Additional Books: Due to time constraints, we want to ensure as many people as possible have a chance to meet President Carter. Therefore, each ticket holder may purchase up to two additional books for signing from Left Bank Books (copies of the new book, previous books, and audio).
Parking: Metered parking is available downtown. There is a small free lot for our customer located at 10th and Olive.
Photos: De to the nature of the event, you will not be able to take photos from the signing line, and you will NOT get to pose with the President. After your book is signed, you may proceed to a designated photo area and briefly take pictures from there.
Memorabilia: President Carter will not be signing any memorabilia
Signing Line: As you will be standing outside while waiting to meet the President, we suggest that you dress properly.
Details on this event are subject to change. Check back here for updates and/or sign up for our e-mail list to receive updates.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The MUSIC CENTER expanded at H&H Center!

Estate Planning Seminar Feb 12th

Thursday, Feb12 @7:00pm,
Immanuel Congregational Church, Estate Planning Seminary For Singles And Non-Traditional Families. There is no cost for this seminar.
More Info: Scott Malin & Brooke Perlyn, attorneys fromthe estate planning department of Lathrop & Gage, will be talking aboutestate planning issues as they relate to single people & people innon-traditional families.
This seminarwill be applicable to people who choose to live together, whether gay orstraight. We consider non-traditionalfamilies to include marriages/partnerships with children from priorrelationships. We will cover things likepowers of attorney for health care, transferring property, and the tax laws asthey relate to these issues as well as some estate planning tips.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
New Downloads Now Avialable!
We have updated several resources available for download~ Meal Programs , Vision Care & MORE!
Friday, January 23, 2009
3rd Annual MCC of Greater St. Louis Trivia NightTV Time Theme
3rd Annual MCC of Greater St. Louis Trivia NightTV Time Theme
Event Info
Party - Movie/TV Night
Time and Place
Saturday, February 28, 2009
6:00pm - 11:30pm
Haven House
12685 Olive Street
Creve Coeur, MO
Come join us for a night of trivia and fun! Doors open at 6pm, game begins at 7pmSoda and Snacks ProvidedRegistration forms are available at the Welcome Center and online$20 per person $160 for a table of 8Your payment is your reservationHurry! Space is limited!
View Map
Contact Info
Original Post:

MCCGSL is proud to announce that we have arrived at FACEBOOK!
For those of you who are already a part of this online social network, be sure to look us up!
Not a Facebook member yet? Sign up for free!
Employment Workshops - RSVP today! 26th & 28th
How would you like to get the most out of your resume and job interview? During this difficult economic time, The Hope and Help Center invites you to join a team of experts for a resume writing & interview skills workshop.
Register by email for either the 26th OR the 28th
To RSVP for this FREE EVENT:
**You may forward this to anyone of interest
News & Notes 1-25-09
Employment Workshops Jan 26th & 28th
How would you like to get the most out of your resume and job interview? During this difficult economic time, The Hope and Help Center invites you to join a team of experts for a resume writing & interview skills workshop.
Register by email for either the 26th OR the 28th
To RSVP for this FREE EVENT:
**You may forward this to anyone of interest
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Just-4-Kids & Just-4-Adults EVENT!
(all year), Gallery Programs....
-- Just4Adults (BIG kids): Segways, Science Cafe, Trips and Tours...
-- To find our program list:
-- Check it out! Call Jill with your questions at 314-289-4439.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Estate Planning Seminar Feb 12th

Thursday, Feb12 @7:00pm,
Immanuel Congregational Church, Estate Planning Seminary For Singles And Non-Traditional Families. There is no cost for this seminar.
More Info: Scott Malin & Brooke Perlyn, attorneys fromthe estate planning department of Lathrop & Gage, will be talking aboutestate planning issues as they relate to single people & people innon-traditional families.
This seminarwill be applicable to people who choose to live together, whether gay orstraight. We consider non-traditionalfamilies to include marriages/partnerships with children from priorrelationships. We will cover things likepowers of attorney for health care, transferring property, and the tax laws asthey relate to these issues as well as some estate planning tips.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Volunteers Needed - Set Ups+TearDowns OH MY!
Good Evening-
We learned late this afternoon that there will be a complete tear down this
Sunday, January 25. We will need to be out of the facility by 1PM. Please
let me know if you are able to assist with the tear down.
Below are additional set up's and tear downs through the month of February.
Please respond with the Sundays you are available to assist and as always,
bring a friend. Also, if you are a chair set up specialist, please let me
know what Sunday set up works for you! You guys are the best. Very soon, set
ups and tear downs will be behind us!
February 1: Set up and Tear down
February 8: Set up and Tear down
February 15: Set up
February 22: Tear down
March 1: Set up
Danny Gladden
314-361-3221, ext. 104
Monday, January 19, 2009
MCCGSL Trivia Night

Sunday, January 18, 2009
Employment Workshop Jan 26th & 28th @ The Hope and Help Center
MCCGSL & The Hope and Help Center will be hosting an Employment Workshop for anyone who is currently seeking employment, or simply wishes to refresh job-seeking skills.
Topics include: Resume writing, Interview Skills, Job-Seeking Strategies, and more!
To RSVP for this FREE EVENT:
**You may forward this to anyone of interest
Friday, January 16, 2009
Free TAX PREP @ St. Patricks Center
income under $41,000. You may get a refund, even if
you had no taxes withheld!
.. All W-2’s and 1099’s (if any) .. Proof of child care expenses
.. Copy of 2007 tax return .. Social Security Cards or Individual
.. A copy of your check for direct deposit of refund
Taxpayer Identification Numbers for all
family members
.. Valid picture identification for taxpayer and spouse – .. If joint return, both spouses must attend
Driver’s License or Passport to sign return
TAP does not prepare income tax returns for taxpayers who have:
.. Incomes over $41,000 .. Rental Property .. Claim Itemized Deductions ..Sales of Stocks or Bonds
.. Self-employment Income from a Trade or Business Requiring Schedule C
Thursday, January 15, 2009
General Conference 2010 Launches today!

With God's power working in us,God can domuch, much morethan anything we canask or imagine.
Ephesians 3:20
A Message from MCC's Moderator and
the General Conference
Host Steering Committee
"Come to worship, heal, learn, and open yourself up to all that God wants to do in your life..."
Dear Friends and Allies,
Can you believe it? We thought three years would be a long time until the next General Conference, but as of today, it is just around the corner.
This historic conference will be our first in a Spanish-speaking country, our first in Latin America. Our sisters and brothers from Latin America are so thrilled and honored to offer their "Bienvenidos!"
Visit the General Conference website for the full letter from Nancy and Host Steering Commitee.
MCC General Conference Host Steering Committee Members:
Carlos Chavez, Rev. Elder Darlene Garner, Jennifer Justice, Rev. Dr. Cindi Love, Rachel Meyer, Rev. Boon Lin Ngeo, Bryan Parker, Rev. Lewis Reay, Troy Sanders, Rev. Elder Glenna Shepherd, Rev. Gavin Ward, Marsha Warren and Rev. Elder Nancy L. Wilson.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Save the DATE!! Jan & FEB Events
Wednesday, January 14: Feeding at Centenary Cares
Thursday, January 15: MCCGSL Choir Rehearsal Resumes
Saturday, January 17: Recovering from Homophobic Religion Begins
Sunday, January 18: Guest Preacher: Rev. Elder Lillie Brock
Tuesday, January 20: MCCGSL Board Meeting
Friday, January 23: Out N About Game Night
Sunday, January 25: Board, Lay Delegate & Alternate Lay Delegate Q&A
Monday, January 26: Resume & Job Interview Workshop
Monday, January 26: Ezekiel Project Team Meeting
Wednesday, January 28: Resume & Job Interview Workshop
Sunday, February 7: MCCGSL Informational Forum
Wednesday, February 11: Feeding at Centenary Cares
Friday, February 13: Out N About Dinner Club‐Van Gohz
Sunday, February 15: “How to Contact your State Legislature” workshop by PROMO
Tuesday, February 17: MCCGSL Board Meeting
Sunday, February 22: MCCGSL Annual Congregational Meeting
Sunday, February 23: Ezekiel Project Team Meeting
Wednesday, February 25: ASH Wednesday
Saturday, February 28: 3rd Annual MCCGSL Trivia Night
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Unity Theatre - "Make a Joyful Noise"

Monday, January 12, 2009
FREE "Food and Fitness" Class for parents Jan20th
Rejection of LGBT children = Poor Health
Family Rejection Of Lesbian, Gay And Bisexual Children Linked To Poor Health In Childhood
ScienceDaily (Dec. 31, 2008) — For the first time, researchers have established a clear link between family rejection of lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) adolescents and negative health outcomes in early adulthood.
A new paper, authored by Caitlin Ryan, PhD, Director of the Family Acceptance Project and her team at the César E. Chávez Institute at San Francisco State University, shows that negative parental behaviors toward LGB children dramatically compromises their health. The discovery has far reaching implications for changing how families relate to their LGB children and how a wide range of providers serve LGB youth across systems of care.
"For the first time, research has established a predictive link between specific, negative family reactions to their child's sexual orientation and serious health problems for these adolescents in young adulthood such as depression, illegal drug use, risk for HIV infection, and suicide attempts," said Ryan, who is the lead author of the paper. "The new body of research we are generating will help develop resources, tools and interventions to strengthen families, prevent homelessness, reduce the proportion of youth in foster care and significantly improve the lives of LGBT young people and their families."
Research Findings:
Higher rates of family rejection during adolescence were significantly associated with poorer health outcomes for LGB young adults.
LGB young adults who reported higher levels of family rejection during adolescence were 8.4 times more likely to report having attempted suicide, 5.9 times more likely to report high levels of depression, 3.4 times more likely to use illegal drugs, and 3.4 times more likely to report having engaged in unprotected sexual intercourse, compared with peers from families that reported no or low levels of family rejection.
Latino males reported the highest number of negative family reactions to their sexual orientation in adolescence.
"This study clearly shows the tremendous harm of family rejection, even if parents think they are well-intentioned, following deeply held beliefs or even protecting their children," said Sten Vermund, MD, a pediatrician and Amos Christie Chair of Global Health at Vanderbilt University.
"In today's often hostile climate for LGBT youth, it is especially important to note that both mental health issues like depression and suicide and HIV risk behaviors were greatly increased by rejection," Dr. Vermund said. "Given the ongoing HIV epidemic in America, in which half of all new cases of HIV are found in men who have sex with men and there is growing concern about prevention messages reaching young people, it is vital that we share these findings with parents and service providers who work with youth in every way.
"When put to practical, day-to-day use and shared with families and those who serve LGBT youth, these findings will lead to healthier, more supportive family dynamics and better lives for LGBT young people."
The prevailing approach by pediatricians, nurses, social workers, school counselors, peer advocates and community providers has focused almost exclusively on directly serving LGBT youth, and does not consider the impact of family reactions on the adolescent's health and well-being.
Subsequent work with ethnically diverse families by the Family Acceptance Project indicates that parents and caregivers can modify rejecting behavior once they understand the serious impact of their words and actions on their LGBT children's health. In addition, even a little change in parental behavior appears to have a clear impact on decreasing LGBT young people's risk. This new family-related approach to working with LGBT youth being developed by the Family Acceptance Project engages families as allies in decreasing the adolescent's risk and increasing their well-being while respecting the family's deeply held values.
"We are using our research to develop a new model of family-related care to decrease the high levels of risk for LGBT young people that restrict life chances and full participation in society," said Ryan. "Our easy-to-use behavioral approach will help families increase supportive behaviors and modify behaviors their LGBT children experience as rejecting that significantly increase their children's risk. However, redirecting practice and professional training from not asking about family reactions to a young person's LGBT identity to engaging families in promoting their LGBT children's well-being requires a substantial shift on the part of both mainstream and LGBT providers, health systems and community programs."
Journal reference:
Caitlin Ryan et al. Family Rejection as a Predictor of Negative Health Outcomes in White and Latino Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Young Adults. Pediatrics, January 2009
Adapted from materials provided by San Francisco State University, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Pres. Jimmy Carter @ Left Bank Books FEB 10th

Location: Downtown LEFT BANK BOOKS
In this urgent, balanced, and passionate book, Nobel Peace Laureate and former President Jimmy Carter argues that the present moment is a unique time for achieving peace in the Middle East—and he offers a bold and comprehensive plan to do just that.
When: Tuesday, February 10, 5:00pm-7:00pm
Featured Book: We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land (Simon & Shuster, $27.00, $29.23 after tax)
Tickets Required: This is a ticketed event. One ticket per person to meet President Carter will be given for each copy of We Can Have Peace… purchased from Left Bank Books. Children under the age of twelve may accompany an adult. Children age twelve and up will need their own ticket.
Books/tickets may be pre-ordered as of January 10 for the general public. Books/tickets will be available for pick-up at both store locations after January 20.
Special Pre-sale for Friends of Left Bank Books: LBB Friends may pre-order special VIP tickets from January 2 through January 9. People holding VIP tickets will need to arrive before 4:00pm on the signing date and will be first in line to meet the President. Space is limited to the first 300 Friends who pre-order. Join or renew today!
Additional Books: Due to time constraints, we want to ensure as many people as possible have a chance to meet President Carter. Therefore, each ticket holder may purchase up to two additional books for signing from Left Bank Books (copies of the new book, previous books, and audio).
Parking: Metered parking is available downtown. There is a small free lot for our customer located at 10th and Olive.
Photos: De to the nature of the event, you will not be able to take photos from the signing line, and you will NOT get to pose with the President. After your book is signed, you may proceed to a designated photo area and briefly take pictures from there.
Memorabilia: President Carter will not be signing any memorabilia
Signing Line: As you will be standing outside while waiting to meet the President, we suggest that you dress properly.
Details on this event are subject to change. Check back here for updates and/or sign up for our e-mail list to receive updates.
Census Jobs- Apply Today
The U.S. Census Bureau has openings for more than 1,000 positions in the St. Louis area. (3,000 statewide)
This is a temporary position, that includes following up on residents throughout our area, to conduct interviews of those who did not return the census survey by mail. Applicants must schedule a time to complete an exam, prior to consideration. Flexible hours, perfect for older person, student, or anyone seeking suplemental income sources.
Schedule by telephone: 1-866-861-2010
St. Louis Local office: 314-802-9410
Friday, January 9, 2009
Out @ WORK by: PROMO
Out @ Work:
LGBT Issues in the Workplace
A Panel Discussion and Networking Reception
Friday January 23rd
Keynote Speaker-Bill Donius,
Chairman of Pulaski Bank
3-4PM Panel Discussion
4-5PM Networking Reception
Washington University in Saint Louis,
Danforth Univ. Center (DUC) 276
Please join Washington University and PROMO for a panel discussion from 3-4PM focusing on common insights and issues relevant to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people and their allies in the workplace. Panelists include a broad range of professionals including Engineering, Legal, Marketing/PR, & Human Resources. Immediately following the panel discussion, network with other LGBT corporate groups and allies during the reception in the DUC Formal Lounge. Employers are encouraged to bring employment opportunities and internship listings for students.
Please RSVP to PROMO at or call 314-862-4900.
ensure enough seating.
_Sponsored by: PROMO, The Career Center and
LGBT Student Involvement and Leadership
LGBT Issues in the Workplace
Out @ Work:
LGBT Issues in the Workplace
A Panel Discussion and Networking Reception
Friday January 23rd
Keynote Speaker-Bill Donius,
Chairman of Pulaski Bank
3-4PM Panel Discussion
4-5PM Networking Reception
Washington University in Saint Louis,
Danforth Univ. Center (DUC) 276
Please join Washington University and PROMO for a panel discussion from 3-4PM focusing on common insights and issues relevant to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people and their allies in the workplace. Panelists include a broad range of professionals including Engineering, Legal, Marketing/PR, & Human Resources. Immediately following the panel discussion, network with other LGBT corporate groups and allies during the reception in the DUC Formal Lounge. Employers are encouraged to bring employment opportunities and internship listings for students.
Please RSVP to PROMO at or call 314-862-4900.
ensure enough seating.
_Sponsored by: PROMO, The Career Center and
LGBT Student Involvement and Leadership
Out-N-About Dinner Club- Jan 9th (all invited)
Jan 9th ~ Out-N-About Dinner Club @ Soda Fountain Square
7pm - 9pm (Lafayette Square)
The Out N About ministry is a social outreach of MCCGSL, and offers fun and fellowship on a monthly basis. If you are looking to make new friends, this is a great opportunity to meet some great people.
Rumor has it, if your a "1st timer", Dinner is FREE!
More info at: or email for more details!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
M. L. King Jr. Freedom Celebration

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Freedom Celebration: Dream. Hope. Change.
Jobs with the Human Rights Campaign!
Jobs with the Human Rights Campaign!
Date: 2009-01-06, 8:30AM CST
Jobs available with the Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender civil rights group!
Work with great people and make a difference.
Career opportunities and benefits available as well.
For more info, call Chris at 314-454-5884 or visit .
Monday, January 5, 2009
Christopher C. Larson Chris Larson, Joplin Little Theatre
Services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Joplin Little Theater with visitation to follow.
Chris was born Nov. 19, 1956, in Joplin. He was a graduate of Joplin High School and Missouri Southern State College. He lived and worked in New York and Gulfport, Miss., before returning to Joplin. Chris loved the theatre and enjoyed both acting and directing. He always managed to find a local little theatre group in the community where he lived. He was a member of New Creation Church. Survivors include his parents, Carl and Helen Larson, of Joplin; his brother, Neill Larson and Sarah Firmin, of Branson, Mo.; two sisters, Linda Unser and husband, Ron, of Joplin, and Rachel Williams and husband, Steve, of Sullivan, Mo.; eight nieces and nephews; and seven great-nieces and nephews. Cremation arrangements are under the direction of Parker Mortuary. Memorial services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 8, at Joplin Little Theatre, 3008 West 1st Street in Joplin, after which the family will receive friends. Memorial contributions may be made to Avalon Hospice in care of the mortuary. Online condolences may be made at *ash remains were buried alongside Helen Louise Righthouse-Larson in June 2011 at Ozark Cemetery (Joplin) |
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Save the DATE!! ~Upcoming Events~

Jan 9th ~ Out-N-About Dinner Club @ Soda Fountain Square
7pm - 9pm INFO---
Jan 11th ~ Worship Participant Training
Anyone interested in participation in worship services at MCCGSL
INFO ---
Jan 17th ~ Recovering from Homophobic Religion ( a seminar series begins)
An in-depth exploration of homosexuality and the bible
Space is limited ~ REGISTER TODAY (FREE)
Series takes place SATURDAYS 9AM to 10:30
Jan 23rd ~ Out N About GAME NIGHT 7PM
All are welcome! Fun and Games
Jan 23rd ~ Admin. Board Meeting (1919 S. Broadway)
Jan 26th & 28th ~ The Hope and Help Center
Regisiter at:
This two-day seminar series, is designed to assist our community
with skills needed for job seeking in todays market.
Topics include:
RESUME writing, INTERVIEW skills, and Job Search assistance
**All events sponsored by MCCGSL, and offer community participation without financial cost. We invite EVERYONE to join us, whether you are a member of MCC or any church.
"Come as you are... Believing as you do!"
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Free Prescription Assistance (MO ONLY)

The MoRX plan works with Medicare Part D to help missourians save money on prescriptions. MoRX covers 50% of the Medicare Part D "gap" and pays 50% of the Medicare Part D co-pays. No enrollment fee or deductible is required.
To learn more visit online at
or call 1-800-375-1406
**This program is provided by the MO Dept of Social Services
Friday, January 2, 2009
Breast Cancer Screens (FREE) Jan 7th
FREE Breast Cancer Screening on Wednesday, January 7th, 2009 at St. Anthony of Padua Parish Hall.
A few quick things...
*$10 Schnucks Gift Card for all women who have a mammogram*
Appointments are required for mammograms and can be made by
St. John's Mercy Neighborhood Ministry
3660 Gravois Ave
Saint Louis, MO 63116
"Light a Candle" DVD- Pre-Order Today!
Employment Workshops Jan 26th & 28th
MCCGSL & The Hope and Help Center will be hosting an Employment Workshop for anyone who is currently seeking employment, or simply wishes to refresh job-seeking skills.
Topics include: Resume writing, Interview Skills, Job-Seeking Strategies, and more!
To RSVP for this FREE EVENT:
**You may forward this to anyone of interest
Thursday, January 1, 2009
New Law Protects Retirement Savings for Lesbian and Gay Couples
New Law Protects Retirement Savings for Gay and Lesbian Couples
President Bush has signed law ensuring that partners who inherit 401(k) savings can protect them from unfair tax penalties.
MetroEastPride.Org Launches today!