Out @ Work:
LGBT Issues in the Workplace
A Panel Discussion and Networking Reception
Friday January 23rd
Keynote Speaker-Bill Donius,
Chairman of Pulaski Bank
3-4PM Panel Discussion
4-5PM Networking Reception
Washington University in Saint Louis,
Danforth Univ. Center (DUC) 276
Please join Washington University and PROMO for a panel discussion from 3-4PM focusing on common insights and issues relevant to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people and their allies in the workplace. Panelists include a broad range of professionals including Engineering, Legal, Marketing/PR, & Human Resources. Immediately following the panel discussion, network with other LGBT corporate groups and allies during the reception in the DUC Formal Lounge. Employers are encouraged to bring employment opportunities and internship listings for students.
Please RSVP to PROMO at
PROMO@PROMOonline.org or call 314-862-4900.
ensure enough seating.
_Sponsored by: PROMO, The Career Center and
LGBT Student Involvement and Leadership