JUNE 28 - JULY 2, 2010
With God's power working in us,God can domuch, much morethan anything we canask or imagine.
Ephesians 3:20
A Message from MCC's Moderator and
the General Conference
Host Steering Committee
"Come to worship, heal, learn, and open yourself up to all that God wants to do in your life..."
Dear Friends and Allies,
Can you believe it? We thought three years would be a long time until the next General Conference, but as of today, it is just around the corner.
This historic conference will be our first in a Spanish-speaking country, our first in Latin America. Our sisters and brothers from Latin America are so thrilled and honored to offer their "Bienvenidos!"
Visit the General Conference website for the full letter from Nancy and Host Steering Commitee.
MCC General Conference Host Steering Committee Members:
Carlos Chavez, Rev. Elder Darlene Garner, Jennifer Justice, Rev. Dr. Cindi Love, Rachel Meyer, Rev. Boon Lin Ngeo, Bryan Parker, Rev. Lewis Reay, Troy Sanders, Rev. Elder Glenna Shepherd, Rev. Gavin Ward, Marsha Warren and Rev. Elder Nancy L. Wilson.
With God's power working in us,God can domuch, much morethan anything we canask or imagine.
Ephesians 3:20
A Message from MCC's Moderator and
the General Conference
Host Steering Committee
"Come to worship, heal, learn, and open yourself up to all that God wants to do in your life..."
Dear Friends and Allies,
Can you believe it? We thought three years would be a long time until the next General Conference, but as of today, it is just around the corner.
This historic conference will be our first in a Spanish-speaking country, our first in Latin America. Our sisters and brothers from Latin America are so thrilled and honored to offer their "Bienvenidos!"
Visit the General Conference website for the full letter from Nancy and Host Steering Commitee.
MCC General Conference Host Steering Committee Members:
Carlos Chavez, Rev. Elder Darlene Garner, Jennifer Justice, Rev. Dr. Cindi Love, Rachel Meyer, Rev. Boon Lin Ngeo, Bryan Parker, Rev. Lewis Reay, Troy Sanders, Rev. Elder Glenna Shepherd, Rev. Gavin Ward, Marsha Warren and Rev. Elder Nancy L. Wilson.
RESERVATIONS FOR THE 2010 General Conference - AcaPulco
From the US & Canada dial: (800) 441-1414
From other countries dial: +1(506) 863-6301
Group Name: UFMCC 2010 General Conference