On Saturday November 15 2008, across the United States cities will stand with California in a public protest regarding the recent outcome of Proposition 8.
At 12 noon, the St. Louis community will gather at the Old Courthouse (Broadway and Market Streets) and speak out against Proposition 8 and the issues around equality for all. We need support all over the St. Louis region to help and get the details out about our event.
Send http://ShowMeNoHate.blogspot.com to everyone you know. If you are a Facebook subscriber, click on the Facebook link under our links area.
Let us react to all the "hate" surrounding our community. Let’s help our LGBTQ friends, families, neighbors (and each other) to IMPACT this City, State and Country with a demand for Civil Rights for all.
Join the cause, join the voice, and JOIN THE IMPACT!
See you at 12 Noon, this Saturday November 15th at the Old Courthouse - downtown St. Louis.
Speakers as of Friday November 14th, 8:00 pm:
Scott Emanuel - ACLU of Eastern Missouri
Rev. Krista Taves - Emerson UU Church
Pamela Merritt - PROMO PAC
Steve Houdsworth - Activist
Susan Drake & Julie Jennings - Original Women Music
Sen. Joan Bray
Kacie Triplet - St. Louis City Alderwoman
A.J. Bockelman - Executive Director of PROMO
Jenny Sanchez - Community members
Valerie Jackson - MCC of Greater St. Louis
Lewis Reed - President, St. Louis City Board of Alderman
Karen Aroesty - ADL/Hate Crimes Task Force
Rabbi James Stone Goodman - Neve Shalom
Erise Williams - St. Louis Black Pride
Crosby Franklin, GSA Francis Howell H.S.
Alexa James, GSA Pattonville High School
Bishop Wyatt Greenlee - New Greater Higher Heights UCC
Darlene Green St Louis City Comptroller
DeAndress Green - Assistant to Rep. Jeanette Mott Oxford
Sistah Speak - A.J. AKA Taylored Poet