I want to thank you for your ministry to the hungry folks of our community. Whether you had a chance to serve at Centenary multiple times, one time or have not had a chance to serve, you are “being the hands and feet of Jesus” as you care for our most vulnerable brothers and sisters. MCC of Greater St. Louis has exceeded our goal and fed over 2000 meals with over 100 unique volunteers. This would not be possible without your generous offering of your time.
For me, there is no greater pick-me-up on a bad day than to serve a hot meal to our hungry neighbors. To see their smiles, hear their gratitude and listen to their stories warms my heart. It only takes a couple of hours. I hope that you will respond to Elaine and sign up for a time in 2009. Make a goal to invite someone to share this incredible opportunity with you.
May God Bless You as you serve.
Danny Gladden
314-361-3221, ext. 11
A Note from Centenary UMC ministry:
I’d like to add my appreciation and gratitude to all of you for your continued support of Centenary CARES in 2008. CARES relies heavily on the support of volunteers and we could not continue with out congregations such as MCC and others who give so generously of your time. Thank you. I am also thankful to hear the good news that you will be continuing your service in 2009.
I’ve also attached two Wish Lists. The first list is more general and the second list was prepared by our head cook, Barbara. You may have leads or contacts where you can help us meet some of these needs. Or maybe, you would like to organize a Collection of items for CARES. Or maybe, you just were not aware that these are some of the items we need to run this ministry.
Again, thank you MCC congregation for your mutual ministry.
Jo Wright
Centenary CARES
Director of Outreach
1610 Olive
St. Louis, MO 63103
314-421-3136 ext. 105