SlutWalk St. Louis: A March Against Sexual Violence
By SlutWalk St. Louis
March in the Grove neighborhood to protest all forms of sexual violence, and the blaming of sexual assault victims . A speaker from a local sexual assault prevention program will kick off the march. Education and empowerment workshops will follow. A burlesque show featuring Michelle Mynx will end the day of events.
In solidarity with other SlutWalk demonstrations around the world, we are coming together to protest sexual violence in the St. Louis area, and to support survivors of sexual assault. We are a diverse movement that welcomes people of all races, religions, genders and abilities who want to express solidarity with victims of sexual violence in whatever kind of clothing they choose. By challenging the stigma of being a ‘slut,’ we recognize that everyone has a right to sexual expression in an environment free from threat. We also insist that all victims of sexual assault have a right to fair and dignified treatment in our culture and in the justice system.MARCH 3:00 pm
Resource Providers Panel 5:00 pm
Disability and Sexual Assault 5:30pm
Sex Worker Panel 6:00 pm
Transgender Panel 6:30 pm
Rationale of Rapists 7:00 pm
Caring for a Rape Survivor 7:30 pm
Pole Dancing/Burlesque Show with Michelle Mynx 9:00 pm
[21 and up, $5-10 suggested donation]!/SlutWalkSTL
See the EVENT PAGE for updates and to RSVP
Except for the march, which will be on a 1-mile route in the Grove, all events will take place in Atomic Cowboy’s Foxhole venue (4140 Manchester Rd., St. Louis, MO).