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MetroEast News - Serving the Southern Illinois Region

Thursday, February 23, 2012

To the Internet Lover Who Wanted Fast Love Without Strings - (FEATURE)

To the Internet Lover Who Wanted Fast Love Without Strings
BY: Aaron Phillip Ruiz / MetroEast NEWS
February 23, 2012

To the Internet Lover Who Wanted Fast Love Without Strings

"Joy Ride" By Daniel McCree (Daniel McCree Foundation)
Not long after the coffee was drained and it was in collective contract
That we had not seduced one another from the comfort of emails and deskchairs
To harvest out organs for black market purposes
But merely the lesser necessity of harvesting other specific organs out of trousers
And hold each other for half an hour handfuls of hair under
Neath and weave small pieces of pressure clockwise,
To be woven upon likewise as one napping Gulliver, to awaken up
And rousing to gentle rapping around the unfathomable skin of the body. Once, twice, four times
As if knocking on the door of a neighbor’s house, asking in
For invitation. Can I borrow?
And this one time, on the faith of new neighbors, I'll let.

2012 Digital Directory


Thanks for everyone's patience...

BellevillePride~ MetroEast News