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MetroEast News - Serving the Southern Illinois Region

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thoughts From a Mouthy Saint: The G "Live"

by: Colby Kluthe, MetroEast NEWS

Thoughts From a Mouthy Saint:  The G "Live"

The God Show was a title of writing Danny completed in 2005, which speaks to the variance between who we think ourselves to be, and the reality of who we are or fear we have become.
I think each of us have a perception of ourselves, and for the most part it must be comprised of how we "hope" others see us.   For me, I seem to anchor myself upon just how often I neglect to be our best version of who I know myself to be.  Afterall, its too easy to miss the mark.  The sounds and rhythms all have to be in synch.

For me at least that journey has lead me to both desperate places, as well as those places and feelings you want to hold on to and remember forever, as what you think you know could actually be true.  Could it actually be as fantastic as it's been made out?

The short answer of course is Yes, absolutely~ just not like you think.

The reality is we have to make just as many bad choices as good ones, and once we have fallen far enough, we somehow fall forward like a Radio Jesus.  Which brings me to my last and certainly most important point.  Our community must also wrestle with the reality of the substance of GHB , and the price we are paying for our adventures with it.  As someone who has admittedly had my rounds at the theme parks, I can think of no other substance that has so routinely sent our brothers and sisters in tow to nearby hospitals, some with extended stay packages.   We must consider carefully the cost if we do not stand up for ourselves and others in this regard.

"Marsupials may contract a virus. Rest assured; you'll find your way. Keep your thrill: take your pill. Aztec dreams and cortizone creams. Cornish maze peeled from Dutch haze among cloudy skys and stipend lies. Education grants and hollow rants. Young Mister Peyton belongs in Clayton. Great Danes around bamboo canes. Choose on taste and lose your haste." - Daniel McCree (June 12,2005)

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