on behalf of: http://www.showmenohate.blogspot.com/
Show Me No Hate has chartered a 55-seat bus to bring LGBTQ and straight allies to the National Equality March in DC.
The bus will be leaving from St. Louis on Saturday October 10th at 3:00pm. We will travel to Washington D.C. (13 hours) with a dinner break along the way. The bus will arrive in D.C. around 6:00am at a location where we can stretch, eat breakfast and change clothing if necessary. Our group will participate in a variety of National Equality March events throughout the day including a memorial for deceased gay soldiers, the Equality March in front of the White House, and main event at the Washington D.C. Historic Mall to hear speakers. We will board our bus around 8:00pm and return to St. Louis by 10am, Monday October 12th.If you are interested in a seat on our bus please click here.
If you have any questions please send email to ShowMeNoHate@gmail.com