Children's Easter Egg Hunt: April 12
MCCGSL is having an Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, April 12 at 1919 S. Broadway after the 11:30 service. There will be two separate areas set up for the hunt; one for children 5 and under and one for children 6 to 10. Older children will also receive a bag of treats. After the hunt, we will have a reception in the room that is designated for Children’s Church. We are in need of volunteers to help make this day a success. If you can do one of the following, please make arrangements with the designated leader:
• Provide 8 to 12 stuffed plastic eggs (Margaret Bley, 314-719-6975)
• Provide snacks for the reception (Dusty Geiger, 314-504-0996)
• Provide security for the hunt (i.e., make sure no children wander too close to the street) (Christine White, 314-952-7709)
Thanks for all your help in making this event the children will remember!