Thursday, Feb12 @7:00pm,
Immanuel Congregational Church, Estate Planning Seminary For Singles And Non-Traditional Families. There is no cost for this seminar.
More Info: Scott Malin & Brooke Perlyn, attorneys fromthe estate planning department of Lathrop & Gage, will be talking aboutestate planning issues as they relate to single people & people innon-traditional families.
This seminarwill be applicable to people who choose to live together, whether gay orstraight. We consider non-traditionalfamilies to include marriages/partnerships with children from priorrelationships. We will cover things likepowers of attorney for health care, transferring property, and the tax laws asthey relate to these issues as well as some estate planning tips.
Thursday, Feb12 @7:00pm,
Immanuel Congregational Church, Estate Planning Seminary For Singles And Non-Traditional Families. There is no cost for this seminar.
More Info: Scott Malin & Brooke Perlyn, attorneys fromthe estate planning department of Lathrop & Gage, will be talking aboutestate planning issues as they relate to single people & people innon-traditional families.
This seminarwill be applicable to people who choose to live together, whether gay orstraight. We consider non-traditionalfamilies to include marriages/partnerships with children from priorrelationships. We will cover things likepowers of attorney for health care, transferring property, and the tax laws asthey relate to these issues as well as some estate planning tips.