This Sunday MCCGSL will Observe Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) on November 16th, 2008, during our 11:30AM worship. We welcome all Transgender allies to join us for this special day.
Preparing for Transgender Day of Remembrance 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008, 7:58:13 PM
(Ramblings on the Road to Transistion)
Its been an interesting week preparing for the TDOR services that will be held at Metropolitan Community Church of Greater St. Louis on this coming Sunday Nov. 16. Some people have questioned why we don't hold the service on November 20 which is the actual date - for us to get the largest turnout holding the service concurrent with our regular Sunday worship services just makes sense. Since there will also likely be other services on the 20th we also have the chance to increase awareness of the violence that claims far too many lives in the Transgender community and spread that awareness out over several days.
So what will the ceremony consist of? We will start with a few opening comments about TDOR and its significance and a prayer, then there will be a reading of the names of this years victims and the date and place of their passing. For each name read, a candle will be lit and when all the names have been read a traditional hymn "Amazing Grace" will be sung and then a closing prayer. Later in the worship service will come a special communion service in honor of both the victims and those who continue their journey in search of the chance to be at peace in their own bodies.
If you will be in or around Saint Louis, Mo. on the 16th why not join us?
Cross posted from my personal LJ