Same Sex Legal Offers Advice on Illinois DUI Laws
By: Todd Sivia, SLBS (Edwardsville)
“Even in an age of anti-drunk-driving organizations
and awareness commercials, people still violate laws against drunk driving.”
If public service messages and ads reminding citizens to "drink responsibly" don't work, it may be helpful to realize the legal consequences of driving under the influence.
Drivers who are suspended either for having a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 or above, or for refusing to submit to the breathalyzer test may not receive permission to drive to and from work or school. Instead, suspended drivers must get monitoring device driving permits (MDDP) for the duration of their suspension, which requires a Blood Alcohol Interlock Ignition device (BAIID) in the car at all times. While the monitoring device driving permit is far more expensive to the driver, it is also less restrictive. Previously, suspended drivers, upon receiving a Judicial Driving Permit (JDP), were allowed only to drive to and from work, school, or for medical purposes only. As of 2009, with an MDDP, the driver may drive at any time, as long as the device is installed on his or her car.
Summary suspension periods are doubled under the new Illinois law, which means that drivers who have 0.08 or over blood alcohol content (BAC) will automatically have their driving privileges suspended for six months instead of three months, regardless of the outcome of their DUI case. Drivers who refuse to submit to breathalyzer testing will have their driving privileges suspended for a full year
These new penalties and procedures mean that anyone accused or convicted of an Illinois DUI will face even higher fees than before. The installation of the BAIID device is very expensive and it is the driver's responsibility to pay all costs associated with it.
If you are facing the consequences of DUI laws and need to know what to do next, please call or email our office today. Our attorneys understand the legal implications of your mistakes and can help you get back on track.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
MCCGSL Choir wins regional How Sweet the Sound award for Best Overall Choir!
via Metropolitan Community Church of Greater St. Louis
MCCGSL Choir wins regional How Sweet the Sound award for Best Overall Choir!
by Mccgsl Church on Tuesday, September 27, 2011 at 12:50pm
Metropolitan Community Church of Greater Saint Louis is excited to announce the results of the How Sweet the Sound: A Verizon Experience regional choir competition held at the Scottrade Center, St. Louis, Missouri, on Monday, September 26, 2011. The Best Large Choir prize was awarded to Metropolitan Community Church of Greater Saint Louis (MCCGSL) for their 53 member choir performance of “Psalm 68, Let Our God Arise” by Kurt Carr. Jerry Smith, MCCGSL Director of Music, accepted the $10,000 award from Host Donald Lawrence in front of a packed house at the Scottrade Center.
Additionally, the MCCGSL choir was selected as Regional Competition, Best Overall Choir. As winners of this award, the MCCGSL choir received all expense paid travel to Los Angeles, California, to perform in the Verizon Best National Choir Competition on Friday, October 28, 2011, at the Staples Center. Each choir member received a medal with the inscription “Regional Competition, Best Overall Choir”; a Droid mobile phone, and a $50 gift certificate for activation.
The Judges for the How Sweet The Sound Regional Competition in St. Louis were Marvin Sapp, Shirley Caesar, and Dorinda Clark-Cole. In commenting on the MCCGSL choir performance, Pastor Marvin Sapp said, “Let me start by saying this is what heaven is supposed to look like! It’s supposed to look like a multiplicity of cultures, colors, creeds all coming together for the sole purpose of magnifying and glorifying the God of our fathers.” Judge Shirley Caesar shared, “They did not miss a beat.” Dorinda Clark-Cole reported, “This is what heaven really does look like. You all did a wonderful performance."
Jerry Smith told the choir before the stage, “Sing to God and do not worry about anything else. We are here to worship and to give God our best.” Senior Pastor, Rev. Dr. Carol Trissell stated, “I am so proud of our church choir! Their vocal performance was amazing – truly the best of their three years in Verizon’s How Sweet the Sound competition. Yet, I am even more proud of their genuine, praise-filled spirits which demonstrated without a doubt that God’s love is for ALL people.”
MCC of Greater Saint Louis was founded in 1973 as an outreach to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender communities. Today, it has a membership of 413 and owns its own facility for worship and ministry at 1919 S. Broadway, in the Soulard neighborhood. Its mission is to accept, embody, and declare God’s love for all. MCCGSL lives out this mission by providing direct ministries of worship, education, pastoral care, and outreach to those seeking a progressive and inclusive faith community. MCCGSL also collaborates with other community nonprofits such as One St. Louis, Peter & Paul Community Services, Winter Outreach, St. Louis Pridefest, Black Pride, MetroEast Pride, St. Louis Effort for AIDS, Metropolitan Congregations United, Doorways, Food Outreach, Growing American Youth, and Show Me No Hate.
via Metropolitan Community Church of Greater St. Louis
MCCGSL Choir wins regional How Sweet the Sound award for Best Overall Choir!
by Mccgsl Church on Tuesday, September 27, 2011 at 12:50pm
Metropolitan Community Church of Greater Saint Louis is excited to announce the results of the How Sweet the Sound: A Verizon Experience regional choir competition held at the Scottrade Center, St. Louis, Missouri, on Monday, September 26, 2011. The Best Large Choir prize was awarded to Metropolitan Community Church of Greater Saint Louis (MCCGSL) for their 53 member choir performance of “Psalm 68, Let Our God Arise” by Kurt Carr. Jerry Smith, MCCGSL Director of Music, accepted the $10,000 award from Host Donald Lawrence in front of a packed house at the Scottrade Center.
Additionally, the MCCGSL choir was selected as Regional Competition, Best Overall Choir. As winners of this award, the MCCGSL choir received all expense paid travel to Los Angeles, California, to perform in the Verizon Best National Choir Competition on Friday, October 28, 2011, at the Staples Center. Each choir member received a medal with the inscription “Regional Competition, Best Overall Choir”; a Droid mobile phone, and a $50 gift certificate for activation.

Jerry Smith told the choir before the stage, “Sing to God and do not worry about anything else. We are here to worship and to give God our best.” Senior Pastor, Rev. Dr. Carol Trissell stated, “I am so proud of our church choir! Their vocal performance was amazing – truly the best of their three years in Verizon’s How Sweet the Sound competition. Yet, I am even more proud of their genuine, praise-filled spirits which demonstrated without a doubt that God’s love is for ALL people.”
MCC of Greater Saint Louis was founded in 1973 as an outreach to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender communities. Today, it has a membership of 413 and owns its own facility for worship and ministry at 1919 S. Broadway, in the Soulard neighborhood. Its mission is to accept, embody, and declare God’s love for all. MCCGSL lives out this mission by providing direct ministries of worship, education, pastoral care, and outreach to those seeking a progressive and inclusive faith community. MCCGSL also collaborates with other community nonprofits such as One St. Louis, Peter & Paul Community Services, Winter Outreach, St. Louis Pridefest, Black Pride, MetroEast Pride, St. Louis Effort for AIDS, Metropolitan Congregations United, Doorways, Food Outreach, Growing American Youth, and Show Me No Hate.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Vintage Drag & River Queens- VITAL VOICE
Vintage Drag & River Queens
Celebrating 40-years in the art form, James Massey’s Candy James is without question one of the matriarchs of modern St. Louis female impersonation. Up until 1971, Massey had only dressed in drag twice for the Mandrake Society's annual Halloween Ball. The event was a fundraiser for St. Louis’ first LGBT rights organization, and the novice queen caught the attention of the legendary Miss Tracy. (READ FULL STORY)
Celebrating 40-years in the art form, James Massey’s Candy James is without question one of the matriarchs of modern St. Louis female impersonation. Up until 1971, Massey had only dressed in drag twice for the Mandrake Society's annual Halloween Ball. The event was a fundraiser for St. Louis’ first LGBT rights organization, and the novice queen caught the attention of the legendary Miss Tracy. (READ FULL STORY)
Friday, September 16, 2011
Robyn's Trans Advocacy Tour II
Robyn's Trans Advocacy Tour II
My 2011 Trans-Advocacy tour will be conducted with Claire Swinford of Tucson, Arizona. Our goal: To bring awareness of other issues that affect the LGBT Community, such as disability and homelessness—as well as lobbying for the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) and Medicaid Reform.
We will be at conferences, rallies and on Capitol Hill. We will attend outreach events in Phoenix, Tucson, Washington, D.C. and Philadelphia. And to end our tour, we will make a pilgrimage to the Stonewall Inn in New York City. We do this to bring the memory of the riots there by LGBT individuals, back in mind for our youth.
Internationally Acclaimed Tim Miller will appear at SIU (CARBONDALE)
via Southern Illinois Gay-Straight Alliance
September 28th Tim Miller will bring his one man show to SIU-Carbondale.
via Southern Illinois Gay-Straight Alliance
September 28th Tim Miller will bring his one man show to SIU-Carbondale.
Home of internationally-acclaimed solo performance artist Tim Miller.
TIM MILLER is an internationally acclaimed performance artist. Miller's creative work as a performer and writer explores the artistic, spiritual and political topography of his identity as a gay man. Hailed for his humor and passion, Miller has tackled this challenge in such pieces as POSTWAR (1982), COST OF LIVING (1983), DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA (1984), BUDDY SYSTEMS (1985), SOME GOLDEN STATES (1987), STRETCH MARKS (1989), SEX/LOVE/STORIES (1991), MY QUEER BODY (1992), NAKED BREATH (1994), FRUIT COCKTAIL (1996), SHIRTS & SKIN (1997) GLORY BOX (1999), US (2003) and 1001 BEDS (2006). Miller's performances have been presented all over North America, Australia, and Europe in such prestigious venues as Yale Repertory Theatre, the Institute of Contemporary Art (London), the Walker Art Center (Minneapolis), and the Brooklyn Academy of Music. He is the author of the books SHIRTS & SKIN, BODY BLOWS and 1001 BEDS, which won the 2007 Lambda Literary Award for best book in Drama-Theatre. His solo theater works have been published in the play collections O Solo Homo and Sharing the Delirium. Miller’s newest book 1001 BEDS, an anthology of his performances, essays and journals, was published by University of Wisconsin Press in 2006. Miller has taught performance at UCLA, NYU, the School of Theology at Claremont and at universities all over the US. He is a co-founder of two of the most influential performance spaces in the United States: Performance Space 122 on Manhattan's Lower East Side and Highways Performance Space in Santa Monica, CA.
Miller has received numerous grants from the National Endowment for the Arts. In 1990, Miller was awarded a NEA Solo Performer Fellowship, which was overturned under political pressure from the Bush White House because of the gay themes of Miller's work. Miller and three other artists, the so-called "NEA 4", successfully sued the federal government with the help of the ACLU for violation of their First Amendment rights and won a settlement where the government paid them the amount of the defunded grants and all court costs. Though the Supreme Court of the United States decided in 1998 to overturn part of Miller's case and determined that "standards of decency" are constitutional criterion for federal funding of the arts, Miller vows "to continue fighting for freedom of expression for fierce diverse voices."
Since 1999, Miller has focused his creative and political work on marriage equality and addressing the injustices facing lesbian and gay couples in America. Glory Box and US are funny, sexy, and politically charged explorations of same-sex marriage and the struggle for immigration rights for lesbian and gay bi-national couples. They recount the trials Miller has been forced to undergo in trying to keep his Australian partner in the United States. Says Miller, "I want the pieces to conjure for the audience a site for the placing of memories, hopes, and dreams of gay people's extraordinary potential for love." After a nine-year stint in New York City, in 1987 Miller returned home to Los Angeles, California where he was born and raised. He currently lives there with his partner Alistair in Venice Beach.
Communications Building Marion Kleinau Theatre • SIU Campus
Miller has received numerous grants from the National Endowment for the Arts. In 1990, Miller was awarded a NEA Solo Performer Fellowship, which was overturned under political pressure from the Bush White House because of the gay themes of Miller's work. Miller and three other artists, the so-called "NEA 4", successfully sued the federal government with the help of the ACLU for violation of their First Amendment rights and won a settlement where the government paid them the amount of the defunded grants and all court costs. Though the Supreme Court of the United States decided in 1998 to overturn part of Miller's case and determined that "standards of decency" are constitutional criterion for federal funding of the arts, Miller vows "to continue fighting for freedom of expression for fierce diverse voices."
Since 1999, Miller has focused his creative and political work on marriage equality and addressing the injustices facing lesbian and gay couples in America. Glory Box and US are funny, sexy, and politically charged explorations of same-sex marriage and the struggle for immigration rights for lesbian and gay bi-national couples. They recount the trials Miller has been forced to undergo in trying to keep his Australian partner in the United States. Says Miller, "I want the pieces to conjure for the audience a site for the placing of memories, hopes, and dreams of gay people's extraordinary potential for love." After a nine-year stint in New York City, in 1987 Miller returned home to Los Angeles, California where he was born and raised. He currently lives there with his partner Alistair in Venice Beach.
Communications Building Marion Kleinau Theatre • SIU Campus
Thursday, September 15, 2011
MetroEast NEWS: Illinois State Bar Assoc. to host Civil Union Semi...
MetroEast NEWS: Illinois State Bar Assoc. to host Civil Union Semi...: www.BellevillePride.Org via Jennifer Shaw P.C. (CARBONDALE) A Roadmap to the Illinois Civil Union Act* September 16, 2011 1...
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Artistically Speaking! debuts at Seven Restaurant Oct 5th (Belleville)
by: Susan Spit-Fire Lively
September 13, 2011
On Wednesday, October 5th I will be producing and hosting a brand new show called Artistically Speaking! at a fresh new club called 7 Restaurant and Lounge, which is located at 7 S. High St., Belleville, IL, 62220. The phone number is (618) 277-6700 and you can learn more on their website: www.sevenrestaurantandlounge.com.
Located in a historic building created in 1871, this venue has been completely remodeled into a modern and luxurious Creole-bistro style restaurant and lounge, complete with a diverse array of exotic food and beverages. Patio seating is conveniently located on the front and side of the building, adding to the spacious and inviting atmosphere. 7 is brought to you by Brian Besse, the former owner of Iron Horse Saloon and other great St. Louis venues.
Artistically Speaking! will occur on the first Wednesday of each month, beginning October 5th, and we will meet in the second floor art gallery. There is no cover charge for this event!! The doors open at 8:00 p.m. and the show, which also features an Open Mic and an Annual Poetry Slam, will begin at 9:00 p.m.

Come and vibe with extraordinary local Musicians, Poets, Comedians, and more in a gorgeous setting, complete with incredible appetizer and drink specials. To learn more, please see attached flier. Our Special Guests for our kick-off night will be Musician, Vocalist, and Songwriter Fior Baptiste, Poet, Author, and Educator Rennell “Random Thought” Parker, Musician, Vocalist, and Songwriter Kevin “Up in the Air” Renick, and Poet, Author, and Spoken Word Artist Dana “Kels” Kelly. So please support local art and join us for a great night out on the town.
Looking forward to seeing you!
by: Susan Spit-Fire Lively
September 13, 2011
On Wednesday, October 5th I will be producing and hosting a brand new show called Artistically Speaking! at a fresh new club called 7 Restaurant and Lounge, which is located at 7 S. High St., Belleville, IL, 62220. The phone number is (618) 277-6700 and you can learn more on their website: www.sevenrestaurantandlounge.com.
Located in a historic building created in 1871, this venue has been completely remodeled into a modern and luxurious Creole-bistro style restaurant and lounge, complete with a diverse array of exotic food and beverages. Patio seating is conveniently located on the front and side of the building, adding to the spacious and inviting atmosphere. 7 is brought to you by Brian Besse, the former owner of Iron Horse Saloon and other great St. Louis venues.
Artistically Speaking! will occur on the first Wednesday of each month, beginning October 5th, and we will meet in the second floor art gallery. There is no cover charge for this event!! The doors open at 8:00 p.m. and the show, which also features an Open Mic and an Annual Poetry Slam, will begin at 9:00 p.m.

Come and vibe with extraordinary local Musicians, Poets, Comedians, and more in a gorgeous setting, complete with incredible appetizer and drink specials. To learn more, please see attached flier. Our Special Guests for our kick-off night will be Musician, Vocalist, and Songwriter Fior Baptiste, Poet, Author, and Educator Rennell “Random Thought” Parker, Musician, Vocalist, and Songwriter Kevin “Up in the Air” Renick, and Poet, Author, and Spoken Word Artist Dana “Kels” Kelly. So please support local art and join us for a great night out on the town.
Looking forward to seeing you!
L<3ve, Spit-Fire
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Mortgage Relief Project- SEPT 17th (EDWARDSVILLE)
September 8, 2011
Governor Pat Quinn has established the Mortgage Relief Project to help take advantage of new goverment programs that can help you lower your mortgage payments, avoid foreclosure and keep your home.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
9 am to 1pm (registration until noon)
Edwardsville High School (auditorium)
6161 Center Grove Road
Edwardsville, IL 62025
FREE housing counseling is available.
Also, learn how to recognize the tell-tale signs of mortgage fraud.
Be sure to bring your latest mortgage documents (bills, statements, notices, etc.), two most recent paystubs, and your state ID or driver's license. For a list of all the documents that you would need to complete a full application for a loan modification, go to http://www.idfpr.com/.
To register for the event or for more Mortgage Relief Project information,call toll-free at 1-800-532-8785 or visit http://www.idfpr.com/.
September 8, 2011
Governor Pat Quinn has established the Mortgage Relief Project to help take advantage of new goverment programs that can help you lower your mortgage payments, avoid foreclosure and keep your home.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
9 am to 1pm (registration until noon)
Edwardsville High School (auditorium)
6161 Center Grove Road
Edwardsville, IL 62025
FREE housing counseling is available.
Also, learn how to recognize the tell-tale signs of mortgage fraud.
Be sure to bring your latest mortgage documents (bills, statements, notices, etc.), two most recent paystubs, and your state ID or driver's license. For a list of all the documents that you would need to complete a full application for a loan modification, go to http://www.idfpr.com/.
To register for the event or for more Mortgage Relief Project information,call toll-free at 1-800-532-8785 or visit http://www.idfpr.com/.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Illinois State Bar Assoc. to host Civil Union Seminar (CARBONDALE)
via Jennifer Shaw P.C.
1:55 – 3:45 p.m.
1.75 MCLE hours
Presented by Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Co-sponsored by Family Law
via Jennifer Shaw P.C.
A Roadmap to the Illinois Civil Union Act*
September 16, 20111:55 – 3:45 p.m.
1.75 MCLE hours
Presented by Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Co-sponsored by Family Law
Learn to navigate your way through Illinois’ new Civil Union Act
with this informative Law Ed seminar!
This program provides an overview of the new Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act which became effective June 1, 2011. Topics include its form and purpose; the formation of civil unions, their recognition while intact, and their dissolution; the rights, interests, benefits and burdens to spouses under the Act; special considerations, including the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and its limitation on the new law; and federal/state law conflicts. Judge Nancy Katz, a long-standing Domestic Relations judge, provides her perspectives on the impact this new law may or may not have on the process and procedures applicable in domestic relations proceedings. Lawyers from all practice settings will benefit from attending this program, including family law, trusts and estates, business advice and financial planning, elder law, employee benefits, federal tax, general practice and more.
Program Coordinators/Moderators:
Richard A. Wilson, Law Offices Richard Wilson P.C., Chicago
Comments from June 17, 2011 Presentation:
Very nice overview of the new law and some of the complexities that raise unanswered questions and protect one’s self and clients. --Anonymous
I thought it was a great update on a very relevant issue that affects our legal system. --Anonymous
Very good CLE, MCLE. --T. Yaur
Very nice overview of the new law and some of the complexities that raise unanswered questions and protect one’s self and clients. --Anonymous
I thought it was a great update on a very relevant issue that affects our legal system. --Anonymous
Very good CLE, MCLE. --T. Yaur
Jennifer A. Shaw, Jennifer A. Shaw P.C., Edwardsville
1:55 – 2:00 p.m. Welcome and Introductions
2:00 – 2:15 p.m. Overview of the New Law: Form and Purpose
This brief overview examines the new law, as well as how it’s structured and its stated purpose.
Richard A. Wilson, Law Offices Richard Wilson P.C., Chicago
Jennifer A. Shaw, Jennifer A. Shaw P.C., Edwardsville
2:15 – 2:30 p.m. Forming an Illinois Civil Union: Who, How, When, and More.
This segment offers a roadmap to the formation of a civil union under the new law, including the application process, eligibility requirements, licensing, and much more.
Richard A. Wilson, Law Offices Richard Wilson P.C., Chicago
Jennifer A. Shaw, Jennifer A. Shaw P.C., Edwardsville
2:30 – 2:45 p.m. Civil Union Partners: Rights, Interests, Benefits, and Burdens
This presentation discusses the rights, interests, benefits, and burdens available to parties in a civil union – both while intact and upon dissolution – and introduces federal law issues and limitations on the new law.
Richard A. Wilson, Law Offices Richard Wilson P.C., Chicago
Jennifer A. Shaw, Jennifer A. Shaw P.C., Edwardsville
2:45 – 3:15 p.m. Special Considerations
This segment provides an overview of the special considerations in civil union cases, including conflicts between federal and state laws. Topics include: relevant tax concerns, estate planning issues, and other financial problems that may arise due to contention with the Defense of Marriage Act.
Hon. Nancy J. Katz, Circuit Court Cook County, Chicago
Raymond W. Prather, Prather Ebner LLP, Chicago
3:15 – 3:45 p.m. A View from the Bench: An Examination of the new Civil Union Law from a Domestic Relations Judge
Examine the new law from the point of view of a long-standing Domestic Relations Judge, which includes an overview of the process and procedures applicable in domestic relations proceedings. Special considerations in dealing with same-sex dissolutions are also discussed.
Hon. Nancy J. Katz, Circuit Court Cook County, Chicago
*Please Note: This program was originally presented on June 17, 2011 in Fontana, Wisconsin at ISBA’s Annual Meeting. Attorneys cannot receive credit for viewing the same program more than once within a 12 month period.
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