on Behalf of: The Gay-Straight Alliance at SIUE
March 2, 2011
The student lead Gay Straight Alliance at Southern Illinois University- Edwardsville has announced details for the community wide day of workshops and retreat for students and allies of the LGBTIQ communities of the Metro-East Region.
The day-long event will offer multiple topics for discussion, as well as a diverse panel of civic leaders and experts to facilitate conversations about issues of gender diversity and sexuality.
In addition to the workshop day, GSA-SIUE has planned a number of events in the coming month, including Bowling for Equality Event for the MetroEast Area April 8th and a "Discussion about Marriage" (March 26th)
Saturday, April 23 · 10:00am - 10:00pm
Light Breakfast & Lunch will be provided for FREE.Workshop Topics:
GSA 101: Starting a GSA, Improving existing clubs, Getting things done at your school, and more.
Transgender Workshop
Homosexuality and Religion
Multi-cultural Perspectives on Sexuality
Queer People of Color
LGBTQ Issues in Law and Politics
Ally Training: Learn how to support LGBTQ/Questioning individuals in a non-judgmental setting.
Bisexuality Workshop
Mpowerment: Safe-sex practices, and free on-site HIV testing!
How to be Gay workshop
Growing Up Gay: Hear people of different ages and different experiences talk about their stories.
Get resources and information on careers for LGBTQ people!
PLUS, there will be a dance afterward s!
For more information, contact Keith Rose at MetroEastQsandAs@gmail.com
- Elizabeth Ann Van Winkle (St. Louis, MO)
- President Emeritus
- Em Nosce (SIU Edwardsville)
- President
- Lukus Daniel Keeling (SIU Edwardsville)
- Vice President