By: Colby Kluthe
-Editor, MetroEast NEWS
December 9, 2010
Students at Southwestern Illinois College, in Belleville who visited the Main Campus this week would have noticed a special display arranged by Q&A (Queers & Allies) Student group.

The Q&A student group began last year to bring awareness and support to students who identify as LGBT, and those who support them. As both a social support and educational group, participants find a supportive environment, as well as a calling to educate fellow students to equality rights issues and awareness to the ongoing issues that face our community.
This active group is made up of more than a dozen participants, and alumni who further the causes of the group. Q&A also participates in the Metro East Pride Festival, to raise funds for the Austin Mueller Q&A Activism Scholarship.
Austin Mueller was an participant of Q&A, and student at SWIC, who was lost to suicide in May of this year. Both this student group, and Austin's mother Joyce Coulter, as well as countless friends continue to keep his spirit alive to this day. Information about the scholarship requirements and eligibility can be found at the SWIC Foundation website.

Q&A-SWIC wrapped up this semester with a final meeting this past Tuesday, and will re-convene in the spring, when classes return to the Belleville Campus. The group meets each Tuesday, at 4pm. and is open to any student enrolled at SWIC.