on Behalf of: CESJ (Coalition for Economic and Social Justice)
December 21, 2010
After three successful years, the Metro East Pride Organization will soon become its own non-profit.
In a public statement sent today to Belleville Mayor Mark Eckert, CESJ Board member Jesse Arms thanks those who began Metro East Pride (MEP) in 2008, and continued the tradition which has become a regionally recognized Pride Festival, held each June.
As of December 12, 2010 Metro East Pride became an independent organization and no longer needs the non-profit sponsorship from CESJ, having submitted its own 501(c)3 Application in the state of Illinois. Upon completion of this process, fund-raising efforts will resume in preparation for the 4th annual festival, planned for June 2011.
(Jesse Arms, Co-Founder Metro East Pride)
In review of the efforts over the past three years, Arms personally thanks individuals and community partners who have devoted so much time and effort in the early years of Pride Celebrations in Belleville.
2008--CESJ thanks MEGS (Metro East Gays & Straights) Advisors --Janet Brannon, Janet Wright, and Vicki Niederhofer; Harold and Rick and all the patrons at Club Escapade; and Pastor Diana and members of the Well of Living Water for putting together the first Pride Festival in 6 weeks!
We thank Mayor Eckert and Alderwoman Meyer for their courageous support and leadership. And thanks to CESJ Board members, Betty and Anne, for flying here from San Francisco to wish us success.
We thank Mayor Eckert and Alderwoman Meyer for their courageous support and leadership. And thanks to CESJ Board members, Betty and Anne, for flying here from San Francisco to wish us success.
2009--Thanks for "spot-on" fund-raising and headlining our hometown girl, Lea
Delaria. 2009 was the largest Festival to date, with more than 60 Vendors. And set the stage for another successful year.

Pictured Right: MEP 2010 Board of Directors
2010--"We Did it Again in 2010!" Thanks for obtaining the Articles of Incorporation and the Employee Identification Number in preparation for MEP's independence.
2011--Thanks for doing the hard work of writing the by laws and submitting the application for MEP's 501c3.
Hundreds of people have contributed in many ways to establish our annual Pride Festival. We look forward to the biggest, brightest, gayest Pride Festival in June 2011!