BandTogether, the St. Louis GLBTA community concert band, will present a special trichtatechmanic Halloween concert on Saturday, October 10.
That’s right, this concert will represent the beginning of the band’s 13th season, 13 pieces will be performed, and the band’s name almost has 13 letters. Coincidence? Omen?
This event features a variety of serious and seriously spooky selections for wind ensemble including Holst’s “First Suite in E Flat,” Beethoven’s “Egmont Overture”, selections from “The Phantom of the Opera,” and the eerie “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.”
Admission is FREE.
E.Desmond Lee Concert Hall at the 560 Music Center
560 Trinity Avenue · at the western end of the U.City Loop
Applause and donations are greatly appreciated
More information at: http://www.bandtogetherstl.com/