Hello Leaders-
I have been so grateful for all of your help. We are almost there. This is
Sunday is the big test. We have a set up and a tear down. In addition, we
have to be out of the building by 1:00PM. We will be very light in what we
bring up and accommodations have been made for the 2nd service. CHEF's will
only be serving coffee and water. The amazing Kirk Wood will once again
serve as the on-site coordinator for both the set up and tear down. Thanks
to Ron White for filling in last Sunday! No one has actually signed up to
set up chairs this Sunday. If you are able to set up chairs this Sunday,
please respond to this email. Team leaders, you will want to arrive in time
to have your space set up by 8:45AM. At the end of the second service, we
will need all hands on deck to assist with a fast and efficient tear down.
Once again, please read the tear down instructions below to see how to best
make that happen. As always, I invite you to bring a friend....
Finally, I don't have any chair anchors for the chair set up on 12/14. If
you can't set up chairs on 12/7, please let me know if 12/14 works
-12/7 Set up & Tear down (no risers)
-12/14 Set up (risers)
Ministry leaders are clear on their set up and tear down responsibilities.
I have copied all of the folks who have helped over the last year. I want to
make sure that you are aware so that you can assist when available and
recruit others to assist. Kirk Wood is the on -site coordinator for set ups
and tear downs. If you are able to assist with any of these set ups or tear
downs, please follow these guidelines:
-Set ups: If you wish to help move ministry & worship items from the
basement to the main level, Kirk and I arrive at 7AM. If we have enough
folks, we will have some folks bring the chairs from the back of the kitchen
to the banquet hall for the chair volunteers. We must be done with the
elevator by 7:45 for the sound & multimedia volunteers. If you wish to
assist with chairs, please arrive by 8AM. We set up between 275-300 chairs
each week. In an effort to ease set up and tear down, we will not have
multimedia screens through the end of December with the exception of the
Christmas Concert. I have listed above the Sundays we will bring the Choir
risers up. I have also asked all ministry leaders to minimize the items that
are coming up.
-Tear Downs: All chairs should be stacked in stacks of ten. (Sometimes
optional) Chairs can remain in the banquet hall. Team leaders will pack up
all of their items and place in the "staging area" which is in the area of
the Welcome Center. You can assist in taking items from the staging area to
the elevator. There will typically be someone stacking the elevator. The
Sound & Multimedia team will also stack their items in the staging area.
Please assist with putting their items on the elevator. If you plan to
assist the Sound team move their items before it is in the staging area,
please make sure that the items are ready to be moved. After the elevator is
loaded, we need help taking the elevator downstairs and unloading in the
storage area. It is possible, depending on how much is upstairs, there might
be two loads. We are typically done with the tear down by 1:30. (30-45 min
following worship)
Danny Gladden
Communications & Volunteer Ministries
MCC of Greater St. Louis
314-361-3221 ext. 104