Building Together Church Wide Event-October 25
Metropolitan Community Church of Greater St. Louis invites you to join us in celebrating God's vision for the future of our churchBuilding Together: A Place to Call HomeOctober 25th, 20087:00 PM - 10:00 PMJames S. McDonnell PlanetariumForest Park Entrancehttp://buildingtogether.mccgsl.org/Dressy casual attire is suggestedLight hors d'oeuvres will be servedCash bar will be availableCLICK HERE TO RSVPor: 314-361-3221 x 14A member of the Building Together Teamwill call to confirm your reservation.
Metropolitan Community Church of Greater St. Louis invites you to join us in celebrating God's vision for the future of our churchBuilding Together: A Place to Call HomeOctober 25th, 20087:00 PM - 10:00 PMJames S. McDonnell PlanetariumForest Park Entrancehttp://buildingtogether.mccgsl.org/Dressy casual attire is suggestedLight hors d'oeuvres will be servedCash bar will be availableCLICK HERE TO RSVPor: 314-361-3221 x 14A member of the Building Together Teamwill call to confirm your reservation.