by: Daniel McCree
(an excerpt from Aids Daze - 2005)
Scrambled eggs and love were available day and night.
My schedule was my own.
I painted. I put into emotion into everything I did.
My nodes are proof that I did wrong, no contest.
I made my bed I’ll lye in it, only now, no bed, just a couch.
A lovely couch in a lovely room with a lovely view and no touch.
My blood is warm and I want more am I a loser or a winner? 100704
we are both to good for this world, or may have been at one point.
I’m more selfish than my good sense tells me is allowed.
I make comment after comment that corners me in. feelings come and go.
My love is spit on then validated.
i’m asking for forgiveness and sympathy,
ask me for love and i will give it to you.
That's Glierre for you.
Daniel's WORDS