by: Colby Kluthe, MetroEast NEWS

Thoughts from a Mouthy Saint:
Sex-Positive Social Movement Is Beyond the "LGBT"
July 28, 2011
Photo By: Robyn Carolyn Montague
In recent months, I have been refreshed to see the sex-positive movement beginning to take-hold in the Saint Louis Region. The movement, and philosophy being simply that sexuality is everyone's birthright. And my own personal thought that healthy sexual expression is not an "LGBT" issue but a human issue. Attaching letters to, or pigeon-holes for, is a pastime better left in the past.
Photo By Missfits Magazine ·
In just a short time, a number of organizations, business owners, and events have really moved to the forefront of social change that empowers the individual expression, and responsibility we have to respect one another simply as we are, individually.
In July, SlutWalk St. Louis, joined the national demonstration with director Brennan Peters explaining:
"Being assaulted isn’t about what you wear; it’s not even about sex; but using a pejorative term to rationalize inexcusable behavior creates an environment in which it’s okay to blame the victim."More than 200 attended the peaceful demonstration in the Grove Neighborhood by participants from every walk of life imaginable. Event hosts included Atomic Cowboy and Novak's with educational workshops presented by Brennan Peters, Director of SlutWalk St. Louis 2011, Robyn Montegue, of TransHaven as well as a Q&A session hosted by AlphaWom.

SlutWalkSTL may have been the high-profile event of the month, but it is far from being the only sign of the sex-positive social movement.
Sex Positive St. Louis is also a formalized group that recognizes the importance of accurate education and information about sexuality. Sex Positive St. Louis seeks to host a program of events and nurture a culture that accommodates sex positive communities in the St. Louis region.
And yet another encouraging sign of traction of this social change, Shameless Grounds LLC, located in the Fox Park Neighborhood offers patrons a good-vibe venue for more than food and coffee beverages.
Shameless Grounds will celebrate its grand opening July 29th & 30th
with "Cherry Jubilee" , complete with an Artist Exhibit & Contest, and weekend performances by an in-house DJ as well as a drag revue courtesy of Glitterbomb Productions. Shameless Grounds opens at 10AM-10PM each day and until midnight on Friday & Saturday.
They are also available for private event space when booked in advance.
Our region also boasts a wide variety of publications that serve this ever-growing and progressive community.
Missfits Magazine, and St.Louis/Seattle Sinner offer the cutting edge in articles and features. You may find the latest issue at locations around the city, and likely wherever you already are.
I welcome this movement, which in my mind allows our community to move beyond our traditional concepts of "LGBT" or the myriad of letters we continue to add in an effort to appear more inclusive. I hope that we as an equality people will begin to think and learn of one another simply as individuals as varied as our region's people.