on Behalf of CESJ
FEB 2, 2011
Justice News
Justice News is a project of the Coalition for Economic and Social Justice
Justice for All; Peace; Freedom; Democracy; and a Sustainable World
Justice News is a project of the Coalition for Economic and Social Justice
Justice for All; Peace; Freedom; Democracy; and a Sustainable World
Vol.5 Winter 2011
Full Employment is a key to reducing crime, tension between races, domestic violence, homelessness, and the costs of welfare, food stamps and unemployment benefits.
Full Employment will stimulate the economy as people with jobs buy more things and pay more taxes. www.nationaljobsforall.org
Homeless Shelter Needed in Belleville: The Roundtable Discussion of Current Events has
temporarily shifted from discussion to action.
In January, CESJ convened a meeting of several leaders from the faith community and it was agreed that we would work to open a homeless shelter in
A shelter operated by the Salvation Army was closed two years ago; the reason for the
closure of that shelter is not clear at this time. Discussion of current events will resume in September.
Marin Luther King Day a Success: The second annual MLK Day, sponsored by 17th St. Corridor
Neighborhood Association and Belleville AmeriCorps and facilitated by Pastor Michelle Parsons was a huge success as 150 people, young and old, black and white---- talking, singing and dancing to
“un-learn” racism.
Interfaith Trip to Tamms Correctional Center: On Good Friday, April 22, an interfaith group will
hold a prayer vigil outside of Tamms correctional facility. Located in Southern Illinois, this prison was designed for the “worst of the worst” where 23 hours a day are spent in solitary confinement.
However, investigative reporters, George Pawlaczyk and Beth Hundsdorfer with the Belleville News Democrat, learned that inmates were sent there for reasons other then being their criminal behavior.
There is concern that mentally ill people are imprisoned there and that solitary confinement creates mental illness. Fellowship of Southern Illinois Laity (FOSIL), a Catholic group, has gone to Tamms for the past 10 years.
This year FOSIL is asking people of other faiths to join them in the vigil.
Racial Harmony meets monthly to increase communication and understanding between races.
Venue for Southern Illinois Artists Opens in Belleville: Currently a consortium of 16 artists from
Southern Illinois display their work at The Galleries for Sole Survivors at 125 East Main St. Various mediums and price ranges are represented. The gallery is sponsored by Steve and Kay Ray and directed by textile artist Jacque Davis. The gallery is open Weds. thru Sat. from 11 am to 5 pm.
618-234-0214 www.solesurvivorleather.com
Be Prepared for Disaster! We need to be prepared to take care of ourselves and our neighbors
before the official responders arrive (police, fire, and ambulance). Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training teaches fire suppression, search and rescue, basic first aid and medical triage, and disaster psychology.
Those who complete the training receive a certificate, a CERT backpack containing basic supplies related to disaster preparedness and are encouraged to regularly participate in mock disaster trainings.
The next 20 hour CERT training is the evening of March 18, and
Saturday, March 19 and 26 at First Assembly of God, in Belleville. The training is open to all over 16 years of age. Enrollment is limited. To register contact Gwen Vicari 618-233-1177 or
Gay Justice:
A new organization has formed which will give hope, reduce isolation and provide support to
gay people throughout Southern Illinois. The United Church of Christ (UCC) has 82 churches within Southern Illinois, and the executive board approved the establishment of Illinois South Conference (ISC) Pride. The next ISC Pride meeting is March 5, from 3 pm to 5 pm at St. Paul UCC in
Belleville; the topic is “Civil Unions”. The meeting in April will be held in O'Fallon; the topic is
“Leviticus 18:22”.
For more information contact Lois Gibson, ISC ONA (open and affirming) consultant, 618-466-0158
or ljgibson@charter.net.
Belleville PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) meets the first Thursday of
every month at 6:30 pm. Teresa Schmidt, President of PFLAG, insures that each meeting has
informative videos, speakers or educational materials available. There are lively discussions,
refreshments and tons of support. www.bellevilleilpflag.com
Club Escapades, at 133 W. Main St., Belleville, www.clubescapade.org has taken down the
“For Sale” sign. For several months there was concern that the bar would close or be sold to non-
friendly gay people. Owners Harold Schwartz and Rick Hembree, domestic partners as well as
business partners, recently decided to keep the bar and invest time and money to plan more fun events.
Rick and Harold were instrumental in establishing the annual Pride Festival in Belleville. Club
Escapade will host a fundraiser for Metro East Pride 2011 the evening of Saturday, February 26.
It will be an amateur drag show with a $100 prize for the performer with the most tips.
Belleville Transgender and Friends Association meets the second Saturday of every month at
1 pm in downtown Belleville. Contact Jesse for more information: arms4justice@yahoo.com
Gay Student Associations:
Belleville West High School, Dale Zink, faculty advisor: dzink@bths201.org
Belleville East High School, Daniel Boyt, faculty advisor: dboyt@bths201.org
O'Fallon High School, Leann Riebold, faculty advisor: rubysl1ppers@yahoo.com
Southwest Illinois College (SWIC) faculty advisors: Barbara Hunter
barbara.hunter@swic.edu and Shauna Schribner shauna.scribner@swic.edu
The Vital Voice, St. Louis-based LBGTI magazine, celebrated its 30th anniversary, January
2011. www.thevitalvoice.com
Justice News is a project of the Coalition for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ), a 501c3, non-profit
organization. All work is done by volunteers. To support CESJ, send a check to PO Box 824,
Belleville, IL 62222 or by Internet—Pay Pal www.jobsandjustice.org.
Voice comments or suggestions at 618-719-1154.