August 24, 2010
Jesse Arms, cofounder of Metro East Pride & Board Member of CESJ spent last evening visiting a "Tea Party" Rally. Read her thoughts on this extreme group, which is trying to take hold of politics in Southern Illinois.

Last night (August 23) I got dressed up, put on my lipstick and carried my purse to the Tea Partymeeting in Belleville, IL., held at Fischer's Restaurant. These conservative activists are trying to gain a foothold in Southern Illinois. .
I had a need to assess their strengthand their extremism. My preliminary assessment is that in 3 months they have not grown and they number about 100. A “worker” not a leader said “we are not what people say we are, we are not Nazi'sand we are not racists.”
There was one African American in attendance, the rest were Caucasian, and all but about 10 would be considered “older”.
" I was very happy when one of the leaders said that their October 2 rally in a public park would be heldin O'Fallon because Belleville would not allow it."
The speaker, William Federer, spoke about the violence and wacky ideas in the Koran. Oh, I would have loved to have been able to do a power point presentation to them on the violence and wacky ideasin Christianity.
I kept thinking about my friend Bahaar and how she and other Muslims would be sosaddened and offended by his portrayal of their religion. And and I was tired after a day of struggle—so I left early.
Like the Tea Party, I, love my country and the flag; I believe in the Bill of Rights, and recite thePreamble to the Constitution frequently, often as a way to relax me as I fall asleep.
Written by:
Jesse Arms, MEGS Coordinator/ Interim President- Metro East Pride