Mark your calenders for JULY 24th, MEP kicks off the 2011 Season w/ Meet N Greet and celebrates the national charter of PFLAG.
WHERE- Club Escapade
133 w. Main Street
Belleville, IL 62221
**FREE EVENT, Food will be served.
Begins at 6PM
We hope you will all make it to our first Metro East Pride event,as we prepare for our 4th Festival. "Four times a Lady"Belleville's PFOG (Parents and Friends of Gays) is becoming a part of the national PFLAG Chapter.We will also be looking for anyone that wants to get involved in planning next years Pride Festival. (Lots of exciting plans in the works)Add your 10cents worth in 2011~ Join us at Club Escapade (133. W. Main) at 6pm or thereafter for good times, with good friends.RSVP on facebook, or just drop in. We will be seeking volunteers, advisors & officers for the coming year.Come be a part of our regions newest tradition.
Colby Kluthe, VP Metro East Pride
RSVP via Facebook
or email to: metroeastpride@gmail.com