Thursday, January 21, 2010
Upcoming Events & Activities at MCCGSL
Reflecting on My JourneyMCCGSL will begin a new Congregational Education class entiled "Reflecting on My Journey", starting February 7 at 9:15 am. This three week class will focus on offering participants a series of self examinations exploring where they are on their spiritual journey in a supportive and open environment. The pastors at MCCGSL envision this as a foundational class with the goal of helping participants discern the next steps in their spiritual journey. It is therefore the hope that over the coming months all members and non-members alike will participate in this ongoing opportunity for spiritual growth.Future classes are planned for April, August and October of 2010.For more information contact:
Health Ministry Blood Pressure CheckThe second Sunday of each month will be Blood Pressure Check Day.Anyone who wishes to have their BP monitored, will be seen after the 9:00 service for 40 minutes and after the 10:30 servicefor an hour to 90 minutes. Also, bring a list of your currentmedications, to assist Carole Ward, RN, the new MCCGSLParish Nurse and the Health Ministry Team.This program will kick off Sunday, February14, 2010.For more information contact:
Justice News - a CESJ publication (Metro East)

Written in Belleville, Illinois
Justice News is a project of the Coalition for Economic and Social Justice
Vol.3-Winter 2010
“He has shown you, Oh man and woman, what is good and what the Lord requires of you-- to do Justice, to love Mercy and to walk Humbly with thy God.” Micah 6:8
Belleville Transgender and Friends Association (BTFA) Launched
Learn more about BTFA and the progress of forming a PFLAG chapter for the Metro East, get update on the June 19 Pride Festival 2010 and other gay-related activities at the planning meeting of Metro East Gays and Straights (MEGS) on Saturday, January 23, 11:30 am to 1:30 pm, in Belleville, IL. If you wish to attend, call Jesse at 618-719-1154.
JOBS NOW…or never!!!
Work on the new Mississippi River Bridge and related projects will be starting Spring 2010 or before. More federal funds were allocated as part of SAFETEA-LU, the transportation funding bill, than any other project in the United States. SAFETEA-LU included a local work force investment provision sponsored by then Senator Barback Obama and supported by Senator Dick Durbin that said that federal transportation projects be used “[to improve] the job skills of low income individuals, to help leverage scarce training and community resources, and to help insure local participation in the building of transportation projects.” The JOBS NOW program calls for ½ of 1% of funds for transportation and capital development to be used for job training; and 30% of all work hours on public projects be reserved for low-income, women, and minority construction apprentices. For more information on JOBS NOW contact Gamaliel of Illinois “Jobs Now” chair, Dr. Ron Trimmer, JOBS NOW is a project within the United Congregations of Metro East, in Madison, IL.
National Jobs for All Coalition (NJFAC) Encourages Local Actions
Representatives form the Campaign to Abolish Poverty (CAP), which is a project of CESJ, will co-sponsor a planning meeting in San Francisco on January 30, to discuss organizing a full employment (living wage jobs for all) conference in the Bay Area similar to the conference sponsored by NJFAC in November 2009. CAP is interested in job creation programs that encourage the development of “green jobs” and jobs that strengthen communities and meet human needs.
CAP’s Job Program: While it is clear that bricks and mortar jobs (building and repairing bridges, highways, schools, etc. need to be funded), CAP wants America to put all of its citizens to work in jobs that, not only pay enough to support a family, but also meet basic needs like child care, health care, teaching, and care for the elderly and disabled; and jobs that provide supportive housing for homeless people; and jobs that provide opportunities for artists, dancers, and musicians; and jobs that build and protect communities like citizens disaster relief projects, community gardens, bee farms, coops and micro-loans for individuals and very small businesses; and jobs that improve our relations with other countries such as expanding the Peace Corps that can improve war-torn nations with an infusion of teachers, health care workers, and micro-loans that help start local family or community-run businesses.
To learn more about NJFAC:
(continued on back)
Belleville Citizens Coordinating Disaster Relief Activities
Representatives from Highland Neighborhood Association, Green Mount Neighborhood Watch, and St. Paul United Church of Christ meet January 19 to discuss organizing CERT trainings programs in and around Belleville. CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) is a federally-funded disaster relief program that requires 20 hours of training in search and rescue, fire suppression, medical triage and treatment, and disaster psychology. In addition to expanding the number of CERT-trained people, “mock disaster” training exercises will be coordinated. These trainings will help prepare St. Clair County to respond more effectively to ice and wind storms, tornadoes, earthquakes, and terrorist strikes. Belleville does not yet have a disaster plan and this is of concern to the neighborhood leaders.
DaleYonker, Citizens Coordinator for St. Clair County (a volunteer position), requested CERT-trained citizens to assist the St. Clair Co. Dept. of Public Health with non-medical aspects of the distribution of H1N1 vaccines. St. Paul UCC sent 5 volunteers. For more information about CERT, call Jesse, 618-719-1154.
Roundtable Topics for 2010
January 16--The importance of access to the broad band. Facilitated by Col. Bill Whicher (retired, United States Air Force)
February 20—The treatment of animals that we eat and safety issues related to this. Facilitated
by Karen Peters and Bonnie Warner.
March 20—Book: Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide.
Written by Pulitzer Prize winning journalists, Nicholas Kristof and Cheryl WuDunn.
Facilitated by Janet Wright.
April 17—Banking and finance. Facilitated by Lou Ryseff
May 15—Book: The Ground Truth-The Untold Story of America Under Attack on 9/11.
Facilitated by Bill Whicher.
June 19—Androgyny, Cross-dresser, Sexual orientation, Fairy, Gender, Inter-sex, Lesbian
Drag Queen, Gender-identity, Hermaphrodite, Transvestite, Bi-sexual, Gay, Dyke-------
getting it all “straight”. Facilitator TBA
The Roundtable discussion of current events is held the third Saturday of every month, 10 am, St. Paul United Church of Christ, 115 W. “B” St., Belleville, IL 62220. The Roundtable is open to people of all faiths and those of no faith. All are welcome! For more information contact Lou Ryseff, 618-791-0875.
Call for Mobilization Spring 2010
There is increasing concern that while Wall Street has been bailed out, there has been no bail out for the people. People from the far left and the main stream are beginning to talk about a march for jobs, a rally in D.C. Everyone deserves an opportunity for a living wage job.
Justice News is a project of the Coalition for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ) a 501c3, non-profit organization. All work is done by volunteers. To support CESJ, send a check to CESJ, PO Box 824, Belleville, IL 62222.
Or by Internet go to http://www.jobsandjustice and click on the Pay Pal link.
Voice comments or suggestions about Justice News at 618-719-1154.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Financial & Credit Workshops (FREE) JAN 7th & 13th
JustinePETERSEN hosts Credit Builder Workshop JAN 7th, 2010
@ Urban Studio Cafe (Crown Candy Building)
"Make your New Year Resolution ~ a CREDIT SCORE increase.Simple Steps to CREDIT BUILDING -- RSVP today on FB or email
Thursday, January 7, 2010
6:00pm - 9:00pm
2815 North 14th Street (CROWN CANDY BLDG)
Join St. Johns Mercy for financial workshops hosted by CAMCO and Vashon Community Education. The first class will be held on January 13, 2010, at 5:30 at Vashon High School. Registration is required and there is no fee. To sign up call: 652-9961 or 534-5400 x105.
Terri Miller (formerly Durst)
Outreach & Administrative Assistant
St. John's Mercy Neighborhood Ministry
3660 Gravois Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63116
314-865-0927 ext.1, 314-865-0679 fax
Metro East Gays & Straights Annual Meeting JAN 23rd on behalf of
Update on MEGS projects
PFLAG chapter
Metro East Pride 2010
3C’s (Coffee, Cards, and Conversation)
Belleville Transgender and Friends Assoc.
Education using the DVD “For the Bible Tells Me So”
Update on other related gay activities/projects
SAGE (Services and Advocacy for Gay Elders)
Bethany Place and World Aids Day
St. Paul United Church of Christ
Well of Living Waters Ministry
Equality Illinois—Civil Unions SB 1716
St. Louis and beyond
Refreshments and brainstorming
Contribute ideas about how to stabilize our current projects, expand our current projects, and share ideas about other activities or projects that the Metro East needs or wants.
Summary of brainstorming
Are assignments needed to further stabilize, expand, and create new projects?
Next meeting: January 2011.
More info & Details? contact