Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Reducing Flu Risk is "What to do Now"
I have a weak Immune System - How may I reduce my risk of a Flu Pandemic?
Swine Flu Update - How Can You Decrease Your Risk
Monday April 27, 2009
Today's US Stats as of 4/28 11am
New York City - 45 cases
California - 10
Texas - 6
Kansas - 2
Ohio - 1
Total Cases - 64
By now we have all heard the stories on television, the radio, and in the newspaper; the Swine Flu is out there and it has everyone concerned for their health. While there isn't a whole lot we can do right now, there are a few steps we can all take to protect ourselves and others from this potential pandemic.
Cover your nose and mouth with a disposable tissue when coughing or sneezing then throw the tissue away.
Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or alcohol sanitizer.
Limit your contact with people who are sick, are coughing, or sneezing.
If you are sick, stay home from work or keep the kids home from school. Contact your doctor for instructions.
Related Information
What's the Difference Between Seasonal Flu and Pandemic Flu
What can You Do to Prepare for a Flu Pandemic?
Washing Your Hands the Right Way
Swine flu and the HIV+ community
If, like me, you’re living with HIV/AIDS, then you’re probably a little concerned about what you’ve been seeing on television and reading online about the possibility of a swine flu pandemic. There is certainly cause for concern, but, at this point, there’s no cause for alarm.
Tim Horn, writing at POZ & AIDSmeds, has some advice for those concerned about the increased risk of serious influenza-related symptoms for people living with HIV/AIDS. Horn also provides some steps that can be taken to reduce the risks:
Swine Flu and You
by Tim Horn
The threat of a swine flu epidemic in the United States has many people living with HIV concerned about their health and safety. POZ and AIDSmeds check in with WHO and the CDC for the latest. In short: While there are reasons to be cautious, there’s no reason to panic.
What is swine flu?
Swine flu is a respiratory disease common among pigs. Though people are not usually susceptible to swine flu, animal-to-human transmission has been documented, notably among farmers working closely with pigs. What’s unique about the particular strain now under surveillance—dubbed swine influenza type A/H1N1—is its ability to spread from person to person.
A possible reason for this is the fact that pigs can be infected with not only swine influenza, but also flu viruses that affect humans and birds. The genetic material from multiple influenza viruses can then mix. Swine influenza typeA/H1N1, for example, contains genes from two strains of swine flu, one strain of bird flu and one strain of human influenza.
Is swine flu deadly?
All types of influenza that cause disease in humans can be deadly—approximately 200,000 people are hospitalized and 36,000 people die from flu-related complications every year in the United States.
There is no reason to believe that the swine flu being reported is any more deadly than the regular seasonal flu. Of the 40 confirmed cases of swine flu in humans in the United States as of April 27, none have resulted in death. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), all cases reported in the United States thus far were associated with mild symptoms of illness, with only one patient requiring brief hospital care.
[ ... ]
Is swine flu a threat to people living with HIV?
People living with HIV—as well as those with other chronic conditions, such as heart disease, asthma and diabetes—are believed to face an increased risk of serious influenza-related symptoms. According to the CDC, there is often a spike in the number of heart- and lung-related hospitalizations among people living with HIV during the winter influenza season as opposed to other times of the year. Studies also indicate that influenza symptoms might be prolonged and the risks of influenza-related complications—including death—are higher for certain HIV-positive people.
It is not clear that this strain of swine flu poses any more or less of a risk to people living with HIV. One theory: Given that, at least in Mexico, swine flu mimics what was seen during the 1918 influenza pandemic—it appears most serious among people between 18 and 35 years of age; those with healthy immune systems that become hyperactive in response to the virus and causes serious respiratory inflammation and disease—and may be less of a threat to those with compromised immune systems, such as people living with HIV.
Unfortunately, it is not clear if this theory will hold up, given that many HIV-positive people are responding well to antiretroviral treatment, compounded by the possibility that a hyperactive immune response to HIV, not the virus itself, is responsible for HIV disease progression and a heightened risk of non-AIDS related health problems.
To help prevent seasonal flu, an annual vaccine is recommended for people with HIV to lower the risk of infection or serious disease if infection does occur.
Unfortunately, a vaccine has not yet been developed against swine influenza A/H1N1. But people living with HIV can take steps to prevent infection.
How can I protect myself?
The CDC and other public health experts list fairly simple ways to prevent the spread of swine influenza A/H1N1. These include:
Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are also effective.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread this way.
Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
Very little is known about the benefits of wearing face masks to help control the spread of flu. Whenever possible, instead of relying on face masks, try avoiding close contact and crowded conditions—particularly if swine flu reaches pandemic status.
No evidence shows that swine flu can be transmitted through food. Eating properly handled pork—cooked to an internal temperature of 160 degrees—is safe.
If you come down with influenza-like symptoms, contact your doctor’s office immediately and stay home from work or school.
It is possible to rapidly develop a vaccine—if it’s needed. “We’ve identified the virus,” Richard Besser, MD, acting director of the CDC said during a White House press briefing on Sunday. “Should we decide to manufacture a vaccine, we can work toward that goal very quickly.”
Though it would likely take at least four months to develop and mass produce a vaccine against H1N1, it could be available in time for a possible second wave of swine flu this coming winter.
POZ and AIDSmeds will continue to report on swine flu as it relates to people living with HIV—stay tuned for more information as it becomes available.
I will, likewise, update this information as additional facts become available. In the meantime, here’s a link to POZ & AIDSmeds.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Slab Ceremony - Watch Here for details~
Slab Ceremony
It's YOUR chance to leave a lasting mark on our new home, literally!
Before the carpeting goes in the new sanctuary, we will use the concrete floor as a type of blank canvas upon which we all can write our prayers, thoughts, and remembrances—and maybe even a few things we’d like to “leave at the altar” and forget!
Colored chalk will be available to all who choose to participate. Because we don’t know the specific date and time when the flooring will be ready, we will have only 24 to 48 hours advance notice of when we can have the Slab Ceremony.
Once the date and time are confirmed, an email will be sent announcing when the ceremony will take place. However, if you don't have email, or don't check it regularly, please consider starting a phone tree with some friends to spread the word and keep everyone in the loop!
Look for more details at as the event gets closer!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Dining Out for Life- Apr 30th
The Ezekiel Project Ministry Team
invites you to Dine out For Life!
Thursday, April 30
Square One Brewery
Lafayette Square
For a list of participating restaurants, click here.
This will serve as the Out N About Dinner for April.
1919 S. Broadway
Join us for this community event~ one night only! Candlight
MCC Global News Update
Here are the latest NEWS UPDATES from MCC congregations around the globe~
Rev. Elder Don Eastman is featured in an episode of Sharing the Light discussing the integration of sexuality and spirituality.
Father John McNeil preached at New Spirit Community Church MCC/UCC/DOC (Berkeley, California) and read from his book Sex as God Intended at Pacific School of Religion recently. He enjoys speaking at MCC churches.
Peterson Toscano performed his new show Transfigurations ~ Transgressing Gender in the Bible at MCC Los Angeles (California). He portrays transgender Bible characters, those who do not fit in the gender binary and who are in the center of some the Bible's most important stories.
Inspirit with Jumoke Fashola on BBC London Radio featured Rev. Jide Macaulay debating others about the week's biggest religious, moral and ethical issues.
Rev. Lea Brown will be the special guest at MCC Wichita Falls (Texas), her former pastorate, 2-3 May. Many events are planned for the weekend.
Rev. Elder Troy Perry is appearing as one of the featured interviews on the four-part BBC special, Alan Wicker's Journey of a Lifetime. The series features updates with some of the most fascinating interviews conducted by Alan Wicker during his 50-year career. It is currently airing in the UK and Europe and will be broadcast later in North America.
During the Rally on Tally, a day of promoting equality at the Florida state capitol, Rev. Ruth and Elizabeth Forbell-Jensen were featured on the news coverage on channel 12. Other MCCers there included Rev. Carol Chambers, Dennis Pierce, Terri Rawlings, and David Schuler from Joy MCC (Orlando).
The Elders Nominating Committee has announced the nomination of Rev. Elder Darlene Garner for Elder in Region 6 and Rev. Elder Lillie Brock for Elder in Region 7. The Regions will be voting during their various gatherings.
Folks from MCC Bournemouth (England) will travel by train and tube to join the congregation of MCC South London for worship on 10 May.
Rev. Dr. Tyrone Sweeting has a weekly blog at
There was a fantastic article about Open Door MCC (Boyds, Maryland) and their Friday night Bingos, which are very family oriented and well supported by the community at large. The article also tells of other church programs. Click here to read the article.
Everyone at SunCoast Cathedral MCC (Venice, Florida) brought back their prayer rocks on 5 April and planted them on their property. Their building permits have finally been issued and the foundation is now poured.
Rev. Dr. Jacqueline Chambers will be one of the honorees at the Houston (Texas) chapter of the Gospel Music Workshop of America's 40th year celebration in July.
Congratulations to the Ministry Appreciation Award recipients at MCC Lubbock (Texas): Bob Compton, the Mern Crawford Pioneer Award; Tommy Kirk, the Mattie Tippit Pillar Award; Mary Ann Lawson, the Michael Thomas Joy in the Journey Award; Angie Taylor, the Jean Nichols Solid Rock Award; and Marge Washam, the Ron McArthur Servant's Heart Award.
Rev. Dr. Mona West led a workshop on prayer at Sunshine Cathedral MCC (Ft. Lauderdale, Florida) earlier this month.
Requests for study groups in Baguio, Cebu, and Davao, Philippines, have kept Rev. Ceejay Agbayani busy training the next generation of MCC leaders there.
Rev. Bernie Barbour will participate in a teleconference, Diversity and End of Life Care, sponsored by Baptist St. Anthony's Hospice.
Harrison White is playing Herod in Jesus Christ, Superstar. His friends from MCC in the Valley (North Hollywood, California) will be attending the 2 May performance.
Mitchell Gold led a discussion about his book Crisis: 40 Stories Revealing the Personal, Social, and Religious Trauma of Growing up Gay in America at a bookstore in Charleston, South Carolina.
Uke Euphoria! MCC of Greater Dallas (Texas) hosted a three day Ukulele Festival & Music Camp, featuring some of the top performers and teachers.
As part of the Church Revitalization Program (CRI) MCC Seattle (Washington) receives $300 (USD) each month to help support their new pastor's salary.
MCC of Greater St. Louis (Missouri) will celebrate their building dedication the weekend of 13-14 June.
Over $31,000 (USD) in cash and pledges was received as the annual miracle offering to lower the church's mortgage at All God's Children MCC (Minneapolis, Minnesota).
At least six couples will be wed in a joint service at MCC of the Quad Cities (Davenport, Iowa) on 3 May. Others have opted for individual weddings at other times now that marriage is legal in Iowa.
Under the direction of Daniel Arrendondo the choir of MCC Austin at Freedom Oaks (Texas) made a video for a contest on the Ellen Degeneres show.
Christ Chapel MCC (Santa Ana, California) has upgraded their building to make it more accessible by ADA guidelines.
Playing Possum, a play by James Hartman, a member of The Big Easy MCC (New Orleans, Louisiana), has begun a four week run at a local dinner theater.
The Miracle Sunday offering at First MCC of Atlanta (Georgia) raised $10,500 (USD) for their ministry.
More than 200 gay and straight teens attended the Kansas City Gay Pride Youth Royalty Court and the GLSEN/GSA National Day of Silence Rally which was hosted by Spirit of Hope MCC (Kansas City, Missouri).
The Rainbow Sunday School children of MCC San Diego (California) enjoyed a trip to the Nature Interpretive Center.
What a witness! The Children's Ministry of MCC Topeka (Kansas) had a float in the city's St. Patrick's Day parade. The children loved waving to the large crowds.
Amanda Ackerman, daughter of Rev. Elder Arlene and Jacquie Ackerman, was accepted into Temple University's Tyler School of Fine Art for the fall semester as a junior.
MCC Toronto (Canada) is hiring a permanent Children's Church teacher.
Kornerstone Kids from Cornerstone MCC (Mobile, Alabama) will enjoy Spring Fling 2009 with a trip to the country for a day of fishing, wagon rides, and other activities. Last Sunday they took their Sunday Social Hour outdoors to a local city park for a picnic lunch with games and fun for all ages.
MCC of the Rockies (Denver, Colorado) is hoping to divide their children into two groups so that the older students may focus on a lesson.
B4 what? Divine Peace MCC (Pontiac, Michigan) has reinstituted their Bingo nights for the community, which is a great fundraiser for the church.
MCC Illiana (Lake Station, Indiana) dined on homemade traditional Irish stew at their St. Patrick's Day Dance last month.
Monthly MCC of the Lehigh Valley (Allentown, Pennsylvania) observes Ministry Monday. All of the ministry teams gather for greeting and prayer, followed by time for the individual team meetings, and ending with a quick assembly for any announcements from the teams.
A different twist! Instead of just having a Chili Cook-off at Agape MCC (Ft. Worth, Texas), they add a Brownie Bake-off to the event!
MCC Manchester (England) offers a Sacred Space service fortnightly. Each one follows a different format, but offers time for quiet, gentle music, reflective prayers, meditation, and enjoyment of God's presence. Sometimes there is Holy Communion, sacramental anointing, a reflection, or concentrated prayers, but always time to sit quietly and listen to Christ's voice.
Fourth Friday Fellowship at Resurrection Beach MCC (Costa Mesa, California) provides an opportunity for social interaction, information gathering, spiritual uplifting with music and prayer, and, of course, food! Last month they went to the photography/art gallery of one of their members and also enjoyed the movie Jesus Camp.
St. John's MCC (Raleigh, North Carolina) has added PayPal as a way to donate to the church, which allows people to use their credit cards when they can't be present.
Calling all campers! FirstCoast MCC (St. Augustine, Florida) has instituted a new camping ministry. They will plan several events throughout the year for those with RVs, fifth wheels, trailers, pop-ups, or tents, or who like to camp in cabins.
The men of MCC London (Canada) hosted a candlelit Italian dinner for the women, complete with entertainment. The women reciprocated with Mexican fare and a dinner theater. Both nights were full of laughter and great community spirit.
Imago Dei MCC (Glen Mills, Pennsylvania) is offering a seminar on Managing God's Money Wisely. The session on 26 April will focus on real estate.
A Church for All MCC (Sacramento, California) will host their second Soul Series: A Blending of the Secular and Sacred, a special Sunday during which artists and speakers from the community both inspire and entertain.
Breakfast time! On a recent Saturday evening the folks at Open Arms MCC (Rochester, New York) gathered for a breakfast food pot luck ... in their pajamas ... and then enjoyed playing games.
New Light MCC (Hagerstown, Maryland) has a special afternoon evangelical service on the first Sunday of each month.
Next Saturday at Exodus MCC (Abilene, Texas) they will enjoy an afternoon workshop on The Five Languages of Love and Their Dialects, followed by a barbeque dinner and a showing of Milk.
Join in! MCC Richmond (Virginia) has established a bulletin board (not live chat) forum, where people can post, receive notification of replies, and return to follow discussions.
The Sign Language Ministry of MCC Amarillo (Texas) presented three performances of Jesus Christ Superstar earlier this month.
On the 26th MCC Melbourne (Australia) has invited the entire community to a presentation of For the Bible Tells Me So, followed by an afternoon tea and discussion time.
MCC Las Vegas (Nevada) enjoyed a performance by Victorious!
Team work! A generous member of Joy MCC (Orlando, Florida) donated all the sod needed to redo the front lawn of the church, so a large group readied the ground and spread the sod without anyone's back suffering!
The Animal Ministry of Jesus MCC (Indianapolis, Indiana) will present a workshop next Sunday for new pet parents or those considering adoption.
How are we doing? Open Arms MCC (Pahoa, Hawai'i) has a suggestion box in the back of the sanctuary so that folks may share ideas, needs, or praises.
On 30 May MCC San Antonio (Texas) will host a seminar facilitated by Rev. Elder Darlene Garner on spiritual and practical training for board members. The $40 (USD) registration deadline is 15 May.
This you've gotta see! Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers will make a guest appearance during the Drag and Variety show at MCC Louisville (Kentucky) on 16 May ... and you'll never guess who Dolly really is!
The Blue Angels of Christ Covenant MCC (Decatur, Georgia) are playing softball every Friday through next month.
MCC Sydney (Australia) offers their traditional service on Sunday mornings and the lively Crave service in the evenings.
MCC of Corpus Christi (Texas) held their Annual Awards Banquet last weekend as a fun time to celebrate all the wonderful things God is doing in their midst. The suggested donation for the event was $52 (USD) or $1 per week for the year.
First MCC of Kansas (Wichita) launched a second service this month. Based on Micah 6:08, the Saturday evening service begins at 6:08 pm and lasts 36 minutes.
If the Persons in Distress Fund of Healing Spirit MCC (Rochester, Minnesota) has a $300 (USD) cushion, then each quarter $75 is sent to a local agency such as Paws & Claws or the Professional AIDS Network.
On 2 May Pikes Peak MCC (Colorado Springs, Colorado) is having an evening of art, live music, and refreshments at a local gallery. Art pieces will be for sale as well as items in a silent auction.
For the Economic Stimulus Program at Gentle Shepherd MCC (Phoenix, Arizona) they are listing congregants and the names of their businesses in the church bulletin so that they can support one another and, hopefully, guarantee one another's jobs!
Holy Covenant MCC (Brookfield, Illinois) had their Spring Dance and Services Auction last weekend. Among the items up for bid were having a church member come over and clean your carpets, help you set up a budget, polish your car and detail the interior, photograph a special event, bake pastries of your choice, or alter clothes.
River of Life Community Outreach of Pasco is hosting a dance on 10 May to benefit Spirit of Life MCC (New Port Richey, Florida). They will also collect tennis shoes for Charlie's Angels Youth Camp during the event.
Calling all dogs! The monthly dog walks have resumed at MCC Newcastle upon Tyne (England). No dog? You are still welcome to join in the fun.
Outward Bound is a new ministry at MCC Baltimore (Maryland). They are organizing a social outing once a month following worship. This month they went bowling.
On 4 May Velicity Metropolis is hosting a Bingo night at a local restaurant with the proceeds of the Bingo card sales going to aChurch4Me? MCC (Chicago, Illinois).
On the Sunday after Easter MCC Charleston (South Carolina) celebrated Holy Humor Sunday ... the joke is on the Devil, because Jesus Christ arose!
MCC Omaha (Nebraska) will celebrate Cinco de Mayo with a special dinner at the church.
MCC Fredricksburg (Virginia) offered a light lunch for those attending a presentation about MCC denominationally facilitated by Lay Delegate Rhonda Russell Caville.
Mind Out, a mental health organization, presented a play at River of Life MCC (Dorchester, England), which was followed by a discussion and refreshment time.
New Life MCC at Hampton Roads (Virginia) is hosting a reunion for all CLM graduates.
Life Touch Portraits made a donation to the food pantry at MCC Knoxville (Tennessee) as part of producing a pictorial directory for the congregation.
MCC of the Chesapeake (Annapolis, Maryland) sold flowers, strawberry, and tomato plants as a fundraiser.
The theme of the monthly bingo night at King of Peace MCC (St. Petersburg, Florida) for 28 April is Mother Goosed. Makes you want to go see Jack and Jill, Wee Willie Winkie, and all the others!!!
The men of Water of Life MCC (Tucson, Arizona) participated in a potluck with the Primetimers.
Rev. Julie Two Suess, who has been on staff at First MCC of Atlanta (Georgia) has moved to Phoenix, Arizona, to work with Sunrise Assisted Living Programs.
Rev. Elder Ken Martin will install Rev. Gavin Ward as pastor of MCC Sydney (Australia) on 17 May.
Rev. Charles Tigard is the new interim pastor at MCC of the Spirit (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania).
Rev. Kurt Krieger was elected to become the senior pastor of Spirit of Hope MCC (Kansas City, Missouri) upon the retirement of Rev. John Barbone in September.
In order to determine the response to a possible morning service, Living Springs MCC (Bath, England) will try a morning time several times over the summer months.
Rev. Dr. Rob Apgar-Taylor resigned as pastor of Open Door MCC (Boyds, Maryland). Following six years of ministry there, his last Sunday was 1 March.
Congratulations to Rev. Gayle Davis who was ordained at MCC New York (New York).
Rev. Robert Barker is the new interim at Gospel of Jesus Christ MCC (Midland, Michigan).
After 11 years Rev. Amanda McCullough has stepped down as pastor of St. Jude's MCC (Wilmington, North Carolina).
Rev. Dr. Sharon Bezner has assumed the position of Regional Church Liaison for Regions 7/2. She will assist churches through team facilitation, communications, and pulpit fills, as well as revitalizing TAP (Training, Access, Preparation), MCC's online courses.
Jose "Art" Ventayen is the new interim pastoral leader for MCC Philippines ~ Makati.
Rev. Ray Neal will be installed as pastor of MCC Seattle (Washington) by Rev. Elder Ken Martin on 10 May.
Rev. Dave Lafary will assume the duties of Pastor of Congregational Life at MCC of Greater St. Louis (Missouri) in May. For the last 17 years, he has served as campus minister for the Wesley Foundation at Western Illinois University.
Christos MCC (Toronto, Canada) voted unanimously to close. Their final service was last Sunday night.
Rev. Margaret Walker will be on sabbatical May through July. Each month there will be a different "pastor" at Exodus MCC (Abilene, Texas): Melanie Martinez, Rev. Connie Mangin, and Rev. Dr. Cindi Love.
Bill Eknes-Tucker, suffered a heart attack last month. He is the partner of Rev. Paul Eknes-Tucker.
Rev. Dr. Neil Thomas was in a bike accident, breaking his right arm in several places and shattering his elbow. He has now had surgery and is resting at home.
Tom Herfort, a member of the Sunshine Cathedral MCC (Ft. Lauderdale, Florida) choir and former member of the Board of Directors, passed. His memorial service was 3 April.
A memorial service for Deacon Emeritus Jean Paylor was held at Joy MCC (Orlando, Florida) on 4 April.
Melanie Martinez's grandmother, aunt, and uncle were among those who lost all of their property in the recent tornado outbreaks in the US. They reside in Arkansas and are physically safe.
The nativity stained glass window at Church of Our Savior MCC (Boynton Beach, Florida) was destroyed when vandals broke into their building. .
Green Tree Academy job training program 4/28
The A Green Tree Academy will hold an orientation for its 2009 summer job training program on Tuesday, April 28 from 9 to 11 a.m. in Room 208 of City Hall (1200 Market St.).
This academy is a paid job training program that also provides scholarship and job placement assistance to inner city adults interested in urban forestry. Graduates of this program are
eligible to apply for the Tree Trimmer Trainee position in the Forestry Division.
All prospective students must bring a valid driver's license, proof of city residence, social security card and their birth certificate to the orientation to certify program eligibility. Male applicants must also provide proof of Selective Service registration.
If accepted into the program, students will begin classes on May 4 and attend class every day for 11 weeks, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at various locations. Students must have a high school diploma or GED, a valid driver's license, have reliable transportation and be city of St. Louis residents ages 18 to 24 to apply.
This is the only time applications will be accepted for the 2009 class. Go to to obtain the necessary documentation needed for program eligibility. It is highly recommended to bring all documents listed on the Web site to the orientation. If you have additional questions, please contact John Farrell at 613-7360 or to learn more.
Ed Hennessy
Executive Director
Operation Weed & Seed - St. Louis, Inc.
111 S. 10th Street, Suite 20.333
St. Louis, MO 63102
314.539.2773 office
314.539.2309 fax
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
JOB FAIR- Convergy's April 22-24th
Convergys in Arnold is holding a job fair Wednesday and Thursday!!!!!!!
9:00am - 3:00pm to staff 100 immediate full time evening positions with great benefits and a competitive starting wage.
Wendy Waeckerle HR - Recruiting Associate Convergys - Arnold
(636) 282-6438 Patricia Gibson Associate, Recruiting Convergys -
Arnold (636)282-6255 To learn more about our awesome opportunities please contact us at
Dining Out for Life-April 30
The Ezekiel Project Ministry Team
invites you to Dine out For Life!
Thursday, April 30
Square One Brewery
Lafayette Square
For a list of participating restaurants, click here.
This will serve as the Out N About Dinner for April.
Out-N-About Pot Luck - APR 24th
This will serve as the Out N About Dinner for April.
Out N About Potluck & Game Night-April 24
Out N About Potluck & Game Night
Friday, April 24-7:00PM
1919 S. Broadway
Bring a game, bring a friend and
bring your favorite dish! more info:
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
April E-News Update MCCGSL

The E-News Update for April 2009 is now avialable at The Hope and Help Center.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
"New Witness" - Katie Hotze, Student Clergy
April 19, 2008
"New Witness" - Katie Hotze, Student Clergy
"New Witness" from MCC of Greater St. Louis on Vimeo.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Remembering Lisa Wagaman 1943-2009

We are sad to announce the passing of our dear friend, and true cornerstone of the MCCGSL family.
Lisa Wagaman, moved to St. Louis in 1972, and has been a member of our community since 1974. She will be missed greatly by the entire LGBTQ community of St. Louis.
Arrangements have not yet been announced.
Friday, April 17, 2009
4/24/09 - COLAGE Open House @ LGBT Center, 6P

The Lesbian Gay Bi Trangender Community Center of Metropolitan St. Louis
COLAGE - St. Louis Chapter ( Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere)
for their
Friday, April 24, 2009
6:00P to 8:00P
The Lesbian Gay Bi Transgender Community Center
of Metropolitan St. Louis
625 North Euclid Avenue
Suite 420
St. Louis, MO 63108
Come join the St. Louis Chapter of Children of Lesbian and
Gays Everywhere (COLAGE) for an Open House
Bring the kids for activities and connect with other LGBT Parents.
The Lesbian Gay Bi Transgender
Community Center of
Metropolitan St. Louis
625 North Euclid Avenue
Suite 420
St. Louis, MO 63108
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Roundtable 4/18--religion and homosexuality
St Paul UCC, 115 "B" St.,
Belleville sponsors a monthly Roundtable discussion of current events. It is held the 3rd Sat. of the month, from 10 am to noon.
This Saturday, 4/18, we will view a DVD --"For the Bible Tells Me So"-a modern perspective/understanding of the Bible, religion and homosexuality.
We will be in Paul's Cinema, lower level.barbara/jessie
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
CompanionCare Services
CompanionCare Services
Bob Puricelli- Owner
Breast Cancer screens- APRIL 22,2009
Place: St. Stephen UCC
8500 Halls Ferry Rd
St. Louis, MO 63147
ALSO--Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2009
10235 Ashbrook Dr.
St. Louis, MO 63137
Free Mammograms and Breast Exams for Uninsured Women
9:00 am – 2:30 pm
Appointments are required
Please call Sr. Rose Mercurio, the Parish Nurse, at 314- 868-2310
$5 Grocery Gift Card and
Breast Cancer Logo Apparel
for All Women
Who Have a Mammogram
All women 40 years of age and older are encouraged to have yearly mammograms.
If uninsured bring: If insured bring:
Proof of income Insurance card
Picture ID Picture ID
Monday, April 13, 2009
Many New things at MCCGSL!

Saturday, April 11, 2009
Join Us for EASTER Celebration on Sidney~

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Free Mammograms and Breast Exams May 5th
Place: St. Stephen UCC
8500 Halls Ferry Rd
St. Louis, MO 63147
ALSO--Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2009
10235 Ashbrook Dr.
St. Louis, MO 63137
Free Mammograms and Breast Exams for Uninsured Women
9:00 am – 2:30 pm
Appointments are required
Please call Sr. Rose Mercurio, the Parish Nurse, at 314- 868-2310
$5 Grocery Gift Card and
Breast Cancer Logo Apparel
for All Women
Who Have a Mammogram
All women 40 years of age and older are encouraged to have yearly mammograms.
If uninsured bring: If insured bring:
Proof of income Insurance card
Picture ID Picture ID
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Apr. 6th, 2009 at 7:35 AM
Rally for R.E.S.P.E.C.T! Unity in Diversity!
Date: April 18, 2009
Time: 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Venue: Art Hill in Forest Park - St. Louis
The National Socialist Movement (American Nazi Party) will be demonstrating at the Arch grounds on Saturday, April 18th. Experience has taught us that face to face confrontation only plays into their hands and promotes more publicity for their hateful messages.
We will instead gather in support of diversity and respect in Forest Park.
Our goal - to show COMMUNITY UNITY and move forward shared goals of respecting diversity and building strong community relationships.
Sponsoring organizations as of April 1:
The Anti-Defamation League, Holy Ground, the International Institute, the Interfaith Partnership of Metropolitan St. Louis, Metropolitan Congregations United, the National Conference for Community and Justice Metropolitan St. Louis, PROMO.
For more information contact the ADL 314.432-6868.
Good Friday Services - April 10th @ 1919 S. Broadway
Good Friday – April 10, 20095:30 – 7:30pm
Please join us on Good Friday anytime between 5:30-7:30 PM for our Good Friday Art gallery. Members of the MCCGSL Community of faith were asked to reflect on what Good Friday meant to them through the expression of art. Join us this Friday at 1919 S. Broadway for an evening of reflection, contemplation and worship through the experience of art.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Children's Easter Egg Hunt: April 12
Children's Easter Egg Hunt: April 12
MCCGSL is having an Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, April 12 at 1919 S. Broadway after the 11:30 service. There will be two separate areas set up for the hunt; one for children 5 and under and one for children 6 to 10. Older children will also receive a bag of treats. After the hunt, we will have a reception in the room that is designated for Children’s Church. We are in need of volunteers to help make this day a success. If you can do one of the following, please make arrangements with the designated leader:
• Provide 8 to 12 stuffed plastic eggs (Margaret Bley, 314-719-6975)
• Provide snacks for the reception (Dusty Geiger, 314-504-0996)
• Provide security for the hunt (i.e., make sure no children wander too close to the street) (Christine White, 314-952-7709)
Thanks for all your help in making this event the children will remember!
Fossilage and SAGE are co-sponsoring a potluck and an educational video.
Purpose: To reduce isolation of older gay people and work to insure equal access to all services offered to senior citizens in St. Clair County. Thursday,
April 9
6:30 pm to 8:15 pm
PSOP (Programs and Services for Older Persons)
201 N. Church St. cross street is "B"
Call Jessie for more information: 618-277-0743
Study Says Start HIV Treatment ~Early as Possible

Published Study Says Start HIV Treatment as Early as Possible
Starting antiretroviral (ARV) treatment early—perhaps before CD4 counts drop below 500—significantly reduces the risk of death, according to a study published
Search: NA-ACCORD,
Friday, April 3, 2009
Job Opening- Waterloo, IL
Hey Everyone - I just got a phone call from my mortgagecompany that they are opening an office in Waterloo and arelooking to hire.
It is American Financial an offshoot ofCitibank. The contact is Terri @ 314-749-7978.
Old Post Office Plaza Grand Opening Apr 3rd - 5th
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
SAVE THE DATE~ upcoming Events!
COMING SOON EVENTS----->> Save the Date(s):
April 5-Palm Sunday
April 9- Holy Thursday
April 10- Good Friday
April 12- Easter Celebration
April 20- Volunteer Appreciation Reception
Visit Us Each Sunday for Worship & Celebration 9:30AM & 11:30AM (@ 112 Sidney St.)