Wednesday, February 27, 2013
House Executive Committee Approves Freedom to Marry Bill, Sending Legislation to Vote by Full House
House Executive Committee Approves Freedom to Marry Bill, Sending Legislation to Vote by Full House
Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III, other witnesses urge Illinois to support loving, committed couples and their families; Illinois poised to become 10th state to enact marriage equality
SPRINGFIELD – February 26, 2013 – As support continues to build for legislation that would give gay and lesbian couples in Illinois the freedom to marry, the House Executive Committee passed Senate Bill 10 today, setting the stage for a vote by the full Illinois House of Representatives. Prior to today’s vote, Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III, Senior Pastor of Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ, told legislators that SB 10 “allows for justice and equality for all families, without creating a situation of separate but equal.”
“We stand united and in solidarity in affirming the principle of equal protection under the law for all citizens of the United States of America,” Rev. Dr. Moss said. “We believe that the values that ought to inform our public engagement as residents of Illinois are the principles that unite us rather than the beliefs that distinguish us.”
Rev. Dr. Moss also praised the bill’s protections for religious freedom. “Members of the clergy or religious institutions are held legally harmless should they elect not to acknowledge any civil marriage,” he added. “The issue is not about theology, but it is about public policy that allows for equal protection under the law.”
“The momentum we are seeing on this legislation is truly inspiring,” said Rep. Greg Harris (D-Chicago), House sponsor of the bill, which is called the Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act. “Illinois is very close to treating all of its families equally under the law. I look forward to bringing this to a full vote in the House.”
The Committee’s vote came on the same day more than 75 nationally prominent Republicans — including former Utah governor and presidential candidate Jon Huntsman Jr., Hewlett Packard CEO Meg Whitman, and former New Jersey governor Christine Todd Whitman — signed a U.S. Supreme Court legal brief supporting the freedom to marry.
A Crain’s/Ipsos poll released last week shows Illinoisans supporting marriage equality, with 50 percent in favor and only 29 percent opposed. Of the 50 percent in support, 37 percent “strongly” support the freedom to marry, according to the poll.
Every major newspaper serving Illinois has endorsed the marriage equality bill, including the Chicago Tribune, the Chicago Sun-Times, the Daily Herald, the Peoria Journal Star, the Springfield Journal-Register, and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. In its February 17th Sunday edition, the Daily Herald wrote, “the Illinois Senate has done its part to advance the notion of human rights in Illinois. Now it’s up to the state House.” Fifty of Illinois’ most prominent business leaders and corporations have called on the General Assembly to pass the bill, as have nearly 300 clergy and religious leaders from a wide variety of faith traditions. On Sunday, nearly two-dozen prominent Latino leaders announced their support in an open letter urging lawmakers to approve the legislation, stating “no member of anyone’s family, whether they’re gay or straight, should face discrimination when they hope to marry the person they love.”
Illinois Unites for Marriage – a coalition led by Equality Illinois, Lambda Legal and the ACLU of Illinois – is continuing its statewide campaign in support of the bill, marshaling support and urging allies to step up contacts with their legislators. The coalition supporting the freedom to marry for all loving, committed couples – already strong with business, labor and community leaders, civic organizations, faith institutions and members of the clergy, African-American and Hispanic leaders – continues to grow.
Information about the legislation is available at, along with information about how citizens can make their voices heard.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Latino Leaders Support the Freedom to Marry in Illinois
Latino Leaders Support the Freedom to Marry in Illinois
“Every gay and lesbian person is part of someone’s family,”
Latino Civic and Business Leaders Say
CHICAGO – February 24, 2013 – As a crucial vote in the Illinois House of Representatives approaches, 23 prominent Latino leaders today announced their support for extending the freedom to marry to gay and lesbian couples in Illinois. The leaders affirmed their support in an open letter urging lawmakers to approve the Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act, proclaiming, “no member of anyone’s family, whether they’re gay or straight, should face discrimination when they hope to marry the person they love.”
Notable supporters signing the letter include former City Clerk of Chicago Miguel Del Valle, Executive Director of the Latino Policy Forum Sylvia Puente, and Jesse H. Ruiz, Vice President of the Chicago Board of Education.
“As Latinos, we know our families are stronger when we stay together. We never turn our backs on family,” the leaders stated. “That includes supporting the freedom to marry for our gay and lesbian sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles.”
The backing from Latino leaders comes at a time of strong support for marriage equality in Illinois: a Crain’s/Ipsos poll released Tuesday shows Illinoisans supporting marriage equality, with 50 percent in favor and only 29 percent opposed. Of the 50 percent in support, 37 percent “strongly” support the freedom to marry, according to the poll.
The Illinois House’s Executive Committee is scheduled to take up the bill – Senate Bill 10 – this Tuesday.
“Relationships between Latino same-sex couples have existed for generations, built on trust, loyalty, and love,” today’s letter stated. “Marriage equality would grant legal recognition to these existing committed relationships. These couples want to marry for the same reason straight couples do – to make a lifetime commitment to the person they love, so that they can care for and protect one another through marriage.”
The support also comes at a time where every major newspaper serving Illinois has endorsed the marriage equality bill, including the Chicago Tribune, the Chicago Sun-Times, the Daily Herald, the Peoria Journal Star, the Springfield Journal-Register, and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. In its edition last Sunday, the Daily Herald editorialized, “the Illinois Senate has done its part to advance the notion of human rights in Illinois. Now it’s up to the state House.”
“Imagine if your spouse got sick, but you were not allowed to take time off of work because your employer did not treat you as married,” the letter states. “That is what gay and lesbian couples face in our state today. Without the freedom to marry, it is harder for them to take care of each other.”
Illinois Unites for Marriage – a coalition led by Equality Illinois, Lambda Legal and the ACLU of Illinois – is continuing its statewide campaign in support of the bill, marshaling support and urging allies to step up contacts with their legislators. The coalition supporting the freedom to marry for all loving, committed couples – already strong with business, labor and community leaders, civic organizations, faith institutions and members of the clergy, African-American leaders, Republicans and Democrats – continues to grow.
“The Illinois General Assembly should act now and give same-sex couples the freedom to marry. It is the right thing to do,” the open letter concludes.
A copy of the open letter and the full list of signatories is attached below this release. Information about the legislation is available at, along with information about how citizens can make their voices heard.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Friday, February 15, 2013
The Bad Boy of Musical Theatre: You Can't Tame Me

The Bad Boy of Musical Theatre: You Can't Tame Me:
By Scott Miller (NEW LINE THEATRE)
The 1937 agitprop musical The Cradle Will Rock is one of my all-time favorite shows. We were very lucky to get to produce it back in 2001. One of the things I love about it is the characters' clever label-names -- Reverend Salvation, Dr. Specialist, Editor Daily, Larry Foreman, and the rich capitalist Mr. Mister, along with his family Mrs. Mister, Junior Mister, and Sister Mister.
I think what I love about it is its honesty. It's a fable and its characters are types, so instead of trying to disguise that fact, Marc Blitzstein openly admits it in the way he names him. I did the same thing with a few characters in my 2006 musical Johnny Appleweed, naming the White House characters President John J. Birch (invoking both Dubya and the ultra-right-wing John Birch Society) and his chief of staff Carla Roe (invoking both Karl Rove and Roe v. Wade). The main character was a closeted gay man named Mark Dodger. And then there was Johnny Appleweed himself. Use your imagination.
There are several plays and musicals that do this, but not many. And of those that do, some make it very subtle and others outright announce it. There's the Christ figure Jason and his companion Peter in bare, but there's also Orphan, Angel, and Edgar Allen Rich in Celebration. I think my favorite is Gitlow in Purlie.
Next to Normal does it more subtly.
Now before I proceed, I don't know that the writers did any of this on purpose. But I believe that writers often use very sophisticated storytelling devices even without being conscious of their use, just because it feels right, because it feels like good storytelling to them.
In Next to Normal, the bipolar woman at the center of the story is Diana Goodman. Right away, her last name sounds like a label-name to me, as if to suggest that these are decent, normal people -- and by extension, that mental illness plays no favorites. Even good people get sick. But her first name takes on more serious resonance once we start hearing Dan refer to her as "Di," which he does throughout the script. It's pretty potent for this damaged woman on the edgy of sanity to be called a name that sounds like die. And that nickname takes on even deeper resonance once we get to "There's a World."
And then there's Gabe, named for one of the most famous angels in Christian culture, the archangel who serves as a messenger to humans from heaven, who announced the birth of Christ to the Virgin Mary. Gabriel appears to various people throughout the Bible, and in the Old Testament, he appears to the prophet Daniel, delivering explanations of Daniel's visions; though, according to Wikipedia, "Daniel does not explicitly identify Gabriel as an angel: he is a visionary figure whom Daniel calls 'the man Gabriel'." Daniel is a Hebrew name, literally meaning "God is my judge."
Is that a hint about Dan's feelings of guilt?
Interestingly, late in Act II, Gabe says, "Until you name me, you can't tame me," and it's not until then that we realize no one has mentioned Gabe's name yet. The moment when someone finally does is all the more potent because of that. All this seems to argue that these carefully chosen names are supposed to have meaning within the story.
But wait, there's more... Where does the name Natalie come from? It's is the English form of Natalia, which is derived from the Italian natale, meaning birthday. It specifically refers to the birth of Christ -- the Italian phrase for Merry Christmas! is buon natale! (literally "good birthday!").
Then there are the two doctors. The less empathetic, more drug-enthusiastic Dr. Fine has only one goal -- stability. He wants Diana to be just fine. Dr. Madden seems to care about Diana more, but his treatment arguably maddens Diana even further.
Henry is a name shared by British, French,and German kings, and one Catholic saint. It comes from a Germanic name which combines the words for home and ruler orpower. I'm not sure why, but this one seems less intentional and/or meaningful to me. Henry as "master of the house"? Or maybe it's more about Henry representing home to Natalie, a safe place. In terms of Natalie's Hero Myth story, she finds her magic amulet in Henry's love. She finds real human connection after a lifetime of being denied it. Maybe the reference to all those kings means nothing more than that Henry will be a strong man -- different from Dan.
And maybe all of this is accidental.
But that seems hard to believe, when the names' meanings fit so perfectly to their characters. Then again, maybe it was just a gut feeling that led the writers to each name. Whatever the impetus, it's cool. (If you haven't seen the show yet, someone of this may seem a bit puzzling. The show's story has a couple really big plot surprises, and I don't want to ruin those for anyone who hasn't seen it, so I'm consciously leaving out some pieces of information. Sorry about that.)
Since Next to Normal won a Pulitzer Prize, I guess I don't have to argue (as I often do) for the show's bona fides. But thinking about stuff like this is my second favorite pastime. My first favorite is actually putting stuff like this onstage and sharing it with an audience. Lucky me, I get to do both most of the time...
Tickets are already selling even better than usual, so it looks like we'll have packed houses for this one. This astonishingly hard-working and artful cast of actors deserves no less. You'll be amazed at the rich, textured, layered characters they're creating. We're really going to do this beautiful piece of theatre proud.
Long Live the Musical!
I think what I love about it is its honesty. It's a fable and its characters are types, so instead of trying to disguise that fact, Marc Blitzstein openly admits it in the way he names him. I did the same thing with a few characters in my 2006 musical Johnny Appleweed, naming the White House characters President John J. Birch (invoking both Dubya and the ultra-right-wing John Birch Society) and his chief of staff Carla Roe (invoking both Karl Rove and Roe v. Wade). The main character was a closeted gay man named Mark Dodger. And then there was Johnny Appleweed himself. Use your imagination.
There are several plays and musicals that do this, but not many. And of those that do, some make it very subtle and others outright announce it. There's the Christ figure Jason and his companion Peter in bare, but there's also Orphan, Angel, and Edgar Allen Rich in Celebration. I think my favorite is Gitlow in Purlie.
Next to Normal does it more subtly.
Now before I proceed, I don't know that the writers did any of this on purpose. But I believe that writers often use very sophisticated storytelling devices even without being conscious of their use, just because it feels right, because it feels like good storytelling to them.
In Next to Normal, the bipolar woman at the center of the story is Diana Goodman. Right away, her last name sounds like a label-name to me, as if to suggest that these are decent, normal people -- and by extension, that mental illness plays no favorites. Even good people get sick. But her first name takes on more serious resonance once we start hearing Dan refer to her as "Di," which he does throughout the script. It's pretty potent for this damaged woman on the edgy of sanity to be called a name that sounds like die. And that nickname takes on even deeper resonance once we get to "There's a World."
And then there's Gabe, named for one of the most famous angels in Christian culture, the archangel who serves as a messenger to humans from heaven, who announced the birth of Christ to the Virgin Mary. Gabriel appears to various people throughout the Bible, and in the Old Testament, he appears to the prophet Daniel, delivering explanations of Daniel's visions; though, according to Wikipedia, "Daniel does not explicitly identify Gabriel as an angel: he is a visionary figure whom Daniel calls 'the man Gabriel'." Daniel is a Hebrew name, literally meaning "God is my judge."
Is that a hint about Dan's feelings of guilt?
Interestingly, late in Act II, Gabe says, "Until you name me, you can't tame me," and it's not until then that we realize no one has mentioned Gabe's name yet. The moment when someone finally does is all the more potent because of that. All this seems to argue that these carefully chosen names are supposed to have meaning within the story.
But wait, there's more... Where does the name Natalie come from? It's is the English form of Natalia, which is derived from the Italian natale, meaning birthday. It specifically refers to the birth of Christ -- the Italian phrase for Merry Christmas! is buon natale! (literally "good birthday!").
Then there are the two doctors. The less empathetic, more drug-enthusiastic Dr. Fine has only one goal -- stability. He wants Diana to be just fine. Dr. Madden seems to care about Diana more, but his treatment arguably maddens Diana even further.
Henry is a name shared by British, French,and German kings, and one Catholic saint. It comes from a Germanic name which combines the words for home and ruler orpower. I'm not sure why, but this one seems less intentional and/or meaningful to me. Henry as "master of the house"? Or maybe it's more about Henry representing home to Natalie, a safe place. In terms of Natalie's Hero Myth story, she finds her magic amulet in Henry's love. She finds real human connection after a lifetime of being denied it. Maybe the reference to all those kings means nothing more than that Henry will be a strong man -- different from Dan.
And maybe all of this is accidental.
But that seems hard to believe, when the names' meanings fit so perfectly to their characters. Then again, maybe it was just a gut feeling that led the writers to each name. Whatever the impetus, it's cool. (If you haven't seen the show yet, someone of this may seem a bit puzzling. The show's story has a couple really big plot surprises, and I don't want to ruin those for anyone who hasn't seen it, so I'm consciously leaving out some pieces of information. Sorry about that.)
Since Next to Normal won a Pulitzer Prize, I guess I don't have to argue (as I often do) for the show's bona fides. But thinking about stuff like this is my second favorite pastime. My first favorite is actually putting stuff like this onstage and sharing it with an audience. Lucky me, I get to do both most of the time...
Tickets are already selling even better than usual, so it looks like we'll have packed houses for this one. This astonishingly hard-working and artful cast of actors deserves no less. You'll be amazed at the rich, textured, layered characters they're creating. We're really going to do this beautiful piece of theatre proud.
Long Live the Musical!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Opinion: The Emperor on Mitchell Scandal
Opinion: The Emperor on Mitchell Scandal
VITAL VOICE by: C. Andoe
VITAL VOICE by: C. Andoe
Posted: 13 Feb 2013 11:10 PM PST
Fuller Future Festival April 4th, 5th & 6th - Carbondale, Illinois Check out
Fuller Future Festival taking place at SIUC and in Carbondale, IL from April 4-6, 2013. Through the website you can register (for free) for the festival, you can submit a proposal for the event, and you can sign up for the Buckminster Fuller Future RSO (the first Bucky-related Registered Student Organization in the history of Southern Illinois University Carbondale!).
Posted: 10 Feb 2013 02:15 AM PST
MetroEast Pride is looking to add a few new directors to its Board. Please send a letter of interest and a brief bio
International Leader of Metropolitan Community Churches to visit and worship in St. Louis
International Leader of Metropolitan Community Churches to visit and worship in St. Louis
St. Louis, MO - Rev. Dr. Nancy Wilson, moderator and international leader of the Metropolitan Community Chruches (MCC), will visit St. Louis February 23 and 24, 2013. Rev. Pressley Sutherland, Senior Pastor of MCC of Greater Saint Louis announces that Rev. Wilson will be featured and honored at a special "Evening of Inspiring Inclusion and Justice," Saturday evening, beginning at 6p. She is also scheduled to lead worship and preach on Sunday at MCC of Greater Saint Louis. Both events are at 1919 S. Broadway, near Soulard Market. ALL are invited and welcome!
Dr. Wilson was installed as MCC's global Moderator in 2005. MCC has ministries in over 40 countries. Dr. Wilson was part of the first LGBT delegation to meet with a sitting president in 1979 and is currently a member of President Obama's Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. On Tuesday, January 22, 2013, she read from the Bible in the Interfaith Prayer Service at the National Cathedral, as part of President Obama's inaugural observances. Dr. Wilson said, "It is profoundly meaningful to read the Bible during President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden's second inaugural interfaith service. As I read, I will remember the hands lain on me seven years ago in this very cathedral by faith leaders who called me to serve all of God's beautifully diverse children, including LGBT people. President Obama prayerfully and respectfully stood up for LGBT equality during his campaign, and I am proud to stand with him."
You may recall this congregation of over 300 members from last year's news about their award winning choir. The MCCGSL Church Choir won the How Sweet the Sound regional choir competition in St. Louis, then participated in the Verizon Best National Choir Competition at the Staples Center in Los Angeles.
When announcing the regional winner, competition judge, Pastor Marvin Sapp, said,
"... This is what Heaven is supposed to look like! It's supposed to look like a multiplicity of cultures, colors, creeds, all coming together for the sole purpose of magnifying and glorifying the God of our father." He summed up the way many feel about this church that is open to everyone. That sentiment is reinforced each Sunday during service when the call to communion ends with "Come as you are, believing as you do. You don't have to belong to this church or any church, to be welcome at this table."
MCC of Greater Saint Louis is relatively new in the Soulard neighborhood, purchasing and renovating a facility for worship and ministry at 1919 S. Broadway just four years ago. MCC was founded in 1973; just five years after the denomination began, as an outreach to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender communities in St. Louis. Today, it's more than 300 members represent a much larger community and the church is, as implied by Pastor Sapp's comment, diverse in many ways - race, gender, differently abled, different sexual orientations, and congregants from the whole range of religious backgrounds. All are welcome and affirmed!
Monday, February 11, 2013
Join the 2013 Sponsors - Renew Today!
BellevillePride~ MetroEast News 2013 Sponsors
Welcome to our returning sponsor for 2013! - Pflag Belleville IL Chapter
Welcome to the Belleville, IL PFLAG website
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays. We are the only PFLAG Chapter in Southern Illinois where we serve the MetroEast Area; the region to the east of St. Louis, Missouri.
We invite any small business owners and non-profit organizations & Fan Pages to join us as a sponsor for our upcoming DIGITAL DIRECTORY and monthly news publication. Our publications have enjoyed more than 43,000 readers since our first edition. Thanks to our current sponsors who have already renewed.
For the ad rate of $30.00 you can join us as a sponsor for each of the 2013 monthly issues. Sponsor Listings include company logo, and link to your contact information and website.
We invite any small business owners and non-profit organizations & Fan Pages to join us as a sponsor for our upcoming DIGITAL DIRECTORY and monthly news publication. Our publications have enjoyed more than 43,000 readers since our first edition. Thanks to our current sponsors who have already renewed.
For the ad rate of $30.00 you can join us as a sponsor for each of the 2013 monthly issues. Sponsor Listings include company logo, and link to your contact information and website.
- We gladly accept VISA/MC/AMEX or Paypal.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Carl G. Larson
February 6, 2013
Carl G. Larson, age 92, of Joplin, passed away at 1:22 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 4, 2013, at Joplin Health and Rehabilitation Center after a brief illness.
Born April 18, 1920, in Miami, Okla., he was the only child of the late Gustav Larson and Anna Carlotta Carlson Larson. He lived in the Joplin area his entire life. He was a graduate of Miami High School and also the Business College of Miami. In high school, he earned his Eagle Scout award. Carl was a World War II Army veteran serving in the Aleutian Islands. He was a letter carrier with the U.S. Postal Service, retiring in 1984. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church and served as a past secretary of Joplin Elks Lodge No. 501. He also delivered Meals on Wheels and was an election poll worker for many years. Carl's interests included golfing, fishing, bowling, a Wednesday morning Bible Study group and traveling with his wife, family and friends.
He married Helen Louise Righthouse on Sept. 18, 1941, in Miami. She preceded him in death on June 28, 2011. They were married 70 years.
A son, Christopher Carl Larson, also preceded him in death.
Survivors include a son, Neill Larson, of Branson, Mo.; two daughters, Linda Unser and husband, Ron, of Joplin, and Rachel Williams and husband, Steve, of Sullivan, Mo.; eight grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.
Memorial services will be held at 4 p.m. Thursday at First Presbyterian Church, of Joplin, with Rev. David Burgess officiating. Interment in Ozark Memorial Park will be private with grandchildren, John, Colby and Asher Kluthe, Sydney Williams, Christian and Joshua Unser, Carlie and Michael Larson, serving as pallbearers. The family will receive friends at Parker Mortuary from 7 to 8 p.m. Wednesday.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to First Presbyterian Church, of Joplin.
Carl G. Larson
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Carl Gustav Larson |
Helen Righthouse-Larson |
Carl G. Larson, age 92, of Joplin, passed away at 1:22 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 4, 2013, at Joplin Health and Rehabilitation Center after a brief illness.
Born April 18, 1920, in Miami, Okla., he was the only child of the late Gustav Larson and Anna Carlotta Carlson Larson. He lived in the Joplin area his entire life. He was a graduate of Miami High School and also the Business College of Miami. In high school, he earned his Eagle Scout award. Carl was a World War II Army veteran serving in the Aleutian Islands. He was a letter carrier with the U.S. Postal Service, retiring in 1984. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church and served as a past secretary of Joplin Elks Lodge No. 501. He also delivered Meals on Wheels and was an election poll worker for many years. Carl's interests included golfing, fishing, bowling, a Wednesday morning Bible Study group and traveling with his wife, family and friends.
He married Helen Louise Righthouse on Sept. 18, 1941, in Miami. She preceded him in death on June 28, 2011. They were married 70 years.
A son, Christopher Carl Larson, also preceded him in death.
Survivors include a son, Neill Larson, of Branson, Mo.; two daughters, Linda Unser and husband, Ron, of Joplin, and Rachel Williams and husband, Steve, of Sullivan, Mo.; eight grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.
Memorial services will be held at 4 p.m. Thursday at First Presbyterian Church, of Joplin, with Rev. David Burgess officiating. Interment in Ozark Memorial Park will be private with grandchildren, John, Colby and Asher Kluthe, Sydney Williams, Christian and Joshua Unser, Carlie and Michael Larson, serving as pallbearers. The family will receive friends at Parker Mortuary from 7 to 8 p.m. Wednesday.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to First Presbyterian Church, of Joplin.
Online condolences may be made at
Friday, February 1, 2013
Sponsor the 2013 Issues - MetroEast NEWS
Its that time of year again to renew your support for MetroEast NEWS 2013!
We are excited to offer our community-wide collaboration that has made our past 20 issues a publication which highlights and chronicles the LGBT communities of Southern Illinois and St. Louis regions.
It could not be completed without the support of our local business owners and civic leaders that sponsor and fund this outreach project. Individuals, Organizations and Small Business Owners have found that for only $30 they continue to sponsor and support our monthly publication which has been enjoyed by nearly 43,000 readers over the past year.
NOW IS THE TIME to renew your support for the year ahead and ensure that 2013 is also a year of growth and spotlight for LGBT friendly and equality supporting business and organizations.
We invite any small business owners and non-profit organizations & Fan Pages to join us as a sponsor for our upcoming DIGITAL DIRECTORY and monthly news publication. Our publications have enjoyed more than 15,000 readers since our first edition came out in June. Thanks to our current sponsors who have already renewed.
For the ad rate of $30.00 you can join us as a sponsor for each of the 2013 monthly issues. Sponsor Listings include company logo, and link to your contact information and website.
Be sure to Renew today to ensure you are included in the FEBRUARY 2013 publication, scheduled for just two weeks from today. (FEB 15th). Thanks for each of our sponsors who continue to support our publication. If you have decided NOT to renew, feel free to take a moment to provide us feedback on how we can improve.
Last year's sponsors were highlighted in each issue and hopefully found this to be a great advertising and community-involvement opportunity. We are thankful for each of you!
Colby Kluthe, Editor - MetroEast NEWS
Emily Smith, St. Louis Regional Director
MetroEast News is an outreach project of the
Daniel McCree Foundation.
Its that time of year again to renew your support for MetroEast NEWS 2013!
We are excited to offer our community-wide collaboration that has made our past 20 issues a publication which highlights and chronicles the LGBT communities of Southern Illinois and St. Louis regions.
It could not be completed without the support of our local business owners and civic leaders that sponsor and fund this outreach project. Individuals, Organizations and Small Business Owners have found that for only $30 they continue to sponsor and support our monthly publication which has been enjoyed by nearly 43,000 readers over the past year.
- If you need assistance or have any questions about sponsorship contact us at or by telephone at 636-544-8810
NOW IS THE TIME to renew your support for the year ahead and ensure that 2013 is also a year of growth and spotlight for LGBT friendly and equality supporting business and organizations.
We invite any small business owners and non-profit organizations & Fan Pages to join us as a sponsor for our upcoming DIGITAL DIRECTORY and monthly news publication. Our publications have enjoyed more than 15,000 readers since our first edition came out in June. Thanks to our current sponsors who have already renewed.
For the ad rate of $30.00 you can join us as a sponsor for each of the 2013 monthly issues. Sponsor Listings include company logo, and link to your contact information and website.
- We gladly accept VISA/MC/AMEX or Paypal.
Be sure to Renew today to ensure you are included in the FEBRUARY 2013 publication, scheduled for just two weeks from today. (FEB 15th). Thanks for each of our sponsors who continue to support our publication. If you have decided NOT to renew, feel free to take a moment to provide us feedback on how we can improve.
Read Our Monthly Digital Issue |
Last year's sponsors were highlighted in each issue and hopefully found this to be a great advertising and community-involvement opportunity. We are thankful for each of you!
Colby Kluthe, Editor - MetroEast NEWS
Emily Smith, St. Louis Regional Director
MetroEast News is an outreach project of the
Daniel McCree Foundation.
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